v. "Totally tubular...oh shit"

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( chapter 5 )

in which a phone call takes place

IT WAS WARM and sunny, not a cloud in the sky

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IT WAS WARM and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. The type of weather everyone enjoys. But not Sadie. No, the redhead found the cloudy and dreary days the most enjoyable. Sadie pondered on why this was as she looked towards the crystal clear, blue sky. "Sades!", Caleb calls, breaking her from her thinking spell. "Mhmm?", she turns to him slightly, the sun glowing on her cheekbones.

Caleb looks at her sarcastically, shaking the script in his right hand. "Oh! Right, yeah", she retorts, shuffling the papers around her.

The two are currently practicing their lines while sitting at a picnic table a few yards from the trailers. Millie is filming with David, while the others are inside a trailer playing monopoly. "So...", Sadie murmurs, "It's crazy, but I really liked it....I had a few issues. I just felt it was a little derivative in parts. I just wish it had a little more originality, that's all".

Caleb watches her intently, then looks to his own script. "Totally tubular...oh shit. Wrong part, uhhhh", he mumbles scanning the page. Sadie's phone buzzes. She quickly glances at the number before standing up. "I have to take this", she remarks to Lucas before walking a few steps away to lean against a tree.


phone call
{Sadie Jane}

Hi Jane!

uhhh can...
can we talk?

Yeah, of course.
Are you ok?

Um well, sort of?

What's that mean?

I may have uh,
well, broke my foot?
And I can't reach my
parents and I dunno, I
just called you on impulse?
Which is stupid now
that I'm saying this I'm sorry,
I'll go. Don't worry about
me, sorry.

Wait, wait! Jane, where
are you I'm coming to get you.

I'm on Arnold Street? I was skateboarding.
Do you know where that is?

Yes, it's a few blocks from
set, I'll grand theft auto
a golf cart to you.

(giggles) ow, damn it.
I wiggle my foot when
I laugh, I forgot.

That's weird, cowgirl.
See you soon.

Bye Sadie. And thanks.

Anything for you.


Sadie waited until she heard the dial tone before sliding her phone into the back pocket of her jean shorts. "Sades, where you going?", Caleb asked loudly, getting up to follow the redhead. "I have to help a friend, just...cover me!", she shouts back towards the boy, storming over to the set's one and only golf cart. She reached the rickety beige vehicle and swung herself into the driver's seat.

"Sadie! What the hell?", Caleb yells, running towards her, his eyes wide in shock. "Just trust me!", she fumbles around, looking for the key. She grunts in triumph once she flips the visor, causing the keys to drop right into her lap. "Sadie", Caleb has reached her and leans over the open seat towards her.

"Stop!", she slaps at his hand, "please, Caleb". She looks into his chocolate brown eyes, pleading with him. After a few seconds of a showdown, Caleb sighs and leans back.

"Just be careful", he murmurs in response, his face tight. Sadie's expression softens in gratitude as she shoves the keys into the ignition, firing the cart up. She pulls out shakily, and turns towards Arnold street.


she speaks



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