xiii. "Is this what heartbreak feels like?"

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( chapter 13 )

in which a heart breaks

in which a heart breaks

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SADIE WENT BACK to set. Her feet shuffling against the hard concrete in despair. Her tears had dried, her heart empty. Is it this what heartbreak feels like? she wondered. She had never felt this way for someone like she did Jane.

When Sadie arrived back to set, a hurt boy with raven curls was the only one waiting for her. She hadn't been gone long enough for anyone to notice. The redhead looked small, smaller than her usual 5'2" stature. Dejectedly, she shuffled through the front gate of the set.

Finn moved to her immediately, the lanky boy wrapping his arms around her. And at this moment, Sadie broke. Her sobs were muffled by the boy's red shirt, tears streaming and puddling across her cheeks.

After a few moments, she pulled back, Finn wiping her cheeks free of tears. She looked up into his eyes, the tall boy returning her gaze. His chocolate eyes were soft, and a bit hurt. "I'm sorry", the girl choked out, "I shouldn't have snapped at you".

She let go of his arms, wrapping herself in a hug. Finn watched her, the way she folded in on herself, the way her light was gone. "Don't apologize, I understand", he murmurs, "but Sadie, what happened"?

Sadie opened her mouth, about to speak, when a small brunette crushed her in a hug from the side. "Sadie! My god! What's wrong?", her friend gasped, her accent thick with worry.

Sadie returned the embrace, letting Millie fawn over her, leading them to Sadie's trailer. Sadie looked back at Finn, mouthing that she would tell him later. Finn nodded, curls bouncing, before giving one of his closest friends a small wave. Sadie turnt back, looking ahead as Millie led her into the trailer.


she speaks

I actually hate making Sadie sad
also I feel sick so yay


rainy day (sadie sink)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora