xvii. "i didn't want to lose my family..."

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( chapter 17 )

in which enough is enough

IT HAD BEEN three weeks since they last spoke

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IT HAD BEEN three weeks since they last spoke. And Jane was an absolute mess. Her parents finally noticed, how she was falling back into her old habits. The way she had been after Ally. She didn't sleep. She didn't eat. She didn't do anything but feel empty. Jane didn't know what this was. She was young to feel this way, but there was no doubt. It was true heartbreak. Her parents finally broke her walls down. And she told them.

"I'm gay", tears streaming down her rosy cheeks, "I'm sorry". Her parents, their faces soft, held her as she sobbed, her tears matching the rain outside. Her mother kissed her head, and grasped Jane's cheeks in her hands.

"We love you no matter what", her mother spoke softly, wiping a tear with her thumb. Her father rubbed her back, nodding in agreement. But Jane couldn't stop crying.

"Honey, what?", her father asked, concern lacing his voice. So Jane told them. She told them about the girl with fiery red hair, and crystal blue eyes. With porcelain skin, dotted with tiny freckles like a constellation in the night sky. Whose voice sounded like the whisper of an angel, her laugh like bells ringing on a Sunday. The way her smile lit up her eyes and exerted an aura of happiness. Her kindness, to everyone no matter how big or small.

Her little habits, the way she would play with her fingers, or tuck her hair behind her ear. How she would lay with Jane, playing with her hair, as they talked for hours, about anything at all. How Jane's heart would flutter at the mention of her name. How she felt like home. How, even though she loved the rain, the one thing Jane hated with passion, she was perfect. And how Jane was scared to lose her. So she pulled away.

"I didn't want to lose my family", Jane whispered softly, "but I lost my home along the way". So there they sat, as the rain poured outside. And as much as Jane wished, it couldn't wash away her feelings.


she speaks

I really miss wyatt


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