i. "nice boots, cowgirl"

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( chapter 1 )

in which the clouds form

THE WINDOW PANE glistened with newly fallen raindrops as the red haired beauty flicked her blue pencil against her mahogany desk, deep in thought

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THE WINDOW PANE glistened with newly fallen raindrops as the red haired beauty flicked her blue pencil against her mahogany desk, deep in thought. Her pale cheek was nestled into her palm, propped up to support her tired head.

Her freckled cheeks puffed out with air in annoyance. Rain was her favorite. She found joy in the calm water that fell from the sky with grace. It washed away the old and made way with the new. But, alas, she was stuck inside her trailer, as it was school time on set.

She was summoned from her deep train of thought by a certain brunette humming. Disgruntled by the new distraction to her schoolwork, the redhead sighed in frustration, eyes rolling. "I'll be back" she finally mutters, grabbing her blue raincoat from the back of her desk chair, slipping her arms in to the sleeves and flipping her hair out of the collar.

Her brunette friend turns in surprise. "Oh! Ok then Sadie, be careful. It's pouring" she eventually says, a smile gracing her face, revealing her crooked teeth. Sadie, the redhead, hums in acknowledgment as she pushes out the metal door of the trailer and into the downpour. She had no clue where she was going, but she didn't care.

She flicked her hood up to protect her hair from frizzing and stuck her hands in her pockets. Sadie strolls through the set, hands in her pockets, taking in the waterlogged view. The rain was a steady pour now, flowing off the roofs of the trailers and pounding against the pavement. Sadie's brown boots slap against the wet cement as she walks further from the set and down the street. It's pretty empty for a Saturday afternoon.

She concentrated on her feet, counting the puddles as she pads along, deciding to go get a coffee from a nearby cafe. 1...2...3..oh!
She is bumped from her counting of puddles as her shoulder collides with another body. She shakes her head to catch her bearings, her hood falling off in the process.

She blinks to divide the rivers of water flowing down her face, as she notices the stranger she bumped into. The first thing she notices are pink cowboy boots square in front of her. "Nice boots, cowgirl" she blurts, cheeks instantly going red. A burst of laughter sounds, resembling the tinkling of bells.

Sadie whips her head up to be met with bright blue orbs, and rosy cheeks. She blinks fast, staring at the strange girls full lips. "Uh, sorry?", she murmurs in response to the stranger's sudden answer. Her eyes shoot back up to the other girl's own. "I said, I'm Jane" the brunette repeats, a smile on her lips. Sadie looks down to see Jane's outstretched hand. She takes it in her own.

It's soft, and warm to the touch despite the cold rain. Jane pulls her hand back, too soon for Sadie's liking, and shoves it back into her raincoat pocket. Sadie pushes a lock of soaked hair out of her face and meets Jane's eyes again.

Jane fidgets a bit under her gaze, a slight blush upon her face. "Do...do you want to get some coffee?", Jane questions softly, her eyes glowing slightly. Sadie smiles, her face alight with happiness. "I'd like that", she beams. So, the two girls walked, side by side in the rain, to the cafe down the block.


she speaks

hello! Sadie is my baby and I love her to death thanks for coming to my ted talk.


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