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"Any of you so much as thinks the word "parley," I'll have your guts for garters." A pirate named Pintel said. As he walked around Jack's crew tied to the Pearl's mast, he pointed his gun at them with his friend Ragetti at his side.

Evelyn glared at the men that walked past her. Without even thinking, she lifted up the rope that was around her chest and slid underneath it. She ran towards where Captain Barbossa was standing. He stood with his back to everyone as he faced the demolished Interceptor. Within the few steps Evelyn took, the ship exploded causing some pirates to laugh.

"Will." Evelyn breathed out, her eyes wide as could be. Her heart clenched in her chest at the sight. "How could you! This is all your fault!" She screamed running towards the captain. Gripping his back, she spun him around to face her. Lifting her hand, she punched his cheek before the captain gripped her hands.

"Well aren't you a feisty, lass. I do believe we haven't met before." He grinned like a mad man.

"You bastard! I'll kill you." She shouted into his face. Evelyn fought against his grip, she kicked his shin.

Barbossa groaned and loosen his grip causing her to pull free. "You know, lads, I say it's about time we had a little fun ourselves. This ones got fire we need to put out." He laughed, pushing her into the group of his men.

He turned and saw Elizabeth sneaking from under the ropes. "Look who we have back!" He laughed then commanded one of his men to grab Elizabeth making her squeal.

Turning back, he watched his crew as they began to hold the Evelyn's arms, pulling her back into the group. They let their hands wander from her strawberry blonde hair to her shoulders down to her sides making her scream as she tried to fight them.

"Barbossa!" A familiar voice called.

Everyone froze and turned their heads to the side to see Will soaking wet, standing up on the ship, holding on to the rope.

Evelyn's eyes widen. "You're alive?!" She shouted uncontrollably.

He hopped down and cocked the gun in his hand. "She goes free." He demanded, pointing the gun at Captain Barbossa.

"What's in your head, boy?" Barbossa growled to him as he walked over to Will.

"She goes free." He repeated, glaring deeper at him. The gun in Will's hand remained pointing at Barbossa.

"You've only for one shot, and we can't die." The captain said, a crazed look in his eyes growing.

"Don't do anything stupid." Jack and Evelyn whispered to him. Jack and Evelyn jumped a little and looked at each other.

Turning around, Jack looked at Will while he was pressing his palms together like he was praying.

Will glanced at Jack for a second. He snapped his body around and climbed back on the ledge, holding on to the rope. "You can't, I can." He said pressing the gun under his chin.

Jack covers his mouth and looked down embarrassed for Will. "Like that."

Evelyn looked at Will like he was being stupid. "Like that."

Once again, Jack and Evelyn looked at each other, violently lifting their hand up to point at one another.

Barbossa looked at the two in confusion before turning his attention to Will. "Who are you?" He asked.

"No on." Jack lied, awkwardly walking towards Barbossa. "He's no one. A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice, though. Eunuch." He said standing right in front of Barbossa.

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