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"EVELYN!" A woman's voiced cried dramatically. On top of the step by Evelyn's front door was her mother, Margaret Adams. The woman was in her forties but looked like her young thirties. Margaret was a tall, slim, perfect woman which high cheek bones, green piercing eyes, and perfectly styles red hair. She wore a dress similar to Evelyn's but hers was light blue with leaf like patterns sewn all over it.

Evelyn looked at her mother with a misery written across her face. She shifted her attention to Norrington as he got off his horse. He held out a hand to Evelyn. Making a little face, she took it, giving a little scoff as she hopped down.

"Evelyn! Evelyn, darling! Oh my darling Evelyn!" Cried Margaret as she ran down the steps and towards her dirt covered daughter. Evelyn's eyes widen a bit scared by her mothers emotional state. Margaret pulled her sweet daughter into her arms and held her face to her chest. "My sweet, little Evelyn! I was so worried about you!" Her mother cried.

"Ugh mother, I'm fine." Evelyn grunted out as her mother squished her face.

Margaret pulled back and held her daughters face. "Oh you are so filthy! Look at your dress and your-your shoes! Darling, what are earth were you thinking-" her mother stopped sharply looking at the Commodore. Moving Evelyn aside causing her to let out a noise, Mrs. Adams curtsied to Norrington. "Oh Commodore, thank you ever so for bringing my daughter back to me. Might I also congratulate you on your promotion, very impressive Commodore." Her mother babbled, grinning like a mad woman as she tried her best to charm the man.

"Good day, Mrs. Adams." Norrington smiled with no teeth, hands behind his back as he bowed his head. "Thank you for the compliment." He paused and lifted a hand to Evelyn. "I was simply returning your daughter to you. A pirate seemed to attack Mr. Browns workshop." He looked at her out of the corner of his eyes, the smugness growing.

Evelyn scrunched her face together, wincing at the bit of information he shared. Slowly, her eyes moved to her mother who froze.

"A what..attacked...where...?" She said slowly, too slowly. Evelyn's mother turned her head to look at her. "You were with that blacksmith, Turner boy again! Not to mention, a pirate was there! A pirate!"


"Yes, a pirate. The same pirate who threatened Miss. Swann." The Commodore informed.

"Miss. Swann! Oh bless her heart!" Margaret held a hand to her chest. "Is she alright?" She asked curiously.

Evelyn stared at her mother with narrow eyes and mouth parted, confusion and incredulity written all over her face at the question her mother asked.

"Yes thankfully, I will make sure she is well protected." Norrington gave a firm nod.

"Oh what a wonderful man you are!" Margaret said, a bit peppier.

Evelyn widen her eyes, taking in a deep breath as she shook her head. "Now I've heard enough." She thought to herself.

"Commodore, would care to come in for some tea?" Evelyn's mother asked giving her most charming smile.

"I would love too but I am afraid that I have my duties to attend too." Norrington declined politely.

"Oh but of course, good day, Commodore." Margaret curtsied, bowing her head slightly. Out of the corner of her eyes, she looked at Evelyn. With crazed, wide eyes and a slight jab of her chin, she motioned her daughter to curtsy as well.

"Oh right." Evelyn's breath out to herself and looked at the Commodore, giving a mocking curtsy. "Commodore." She acknowledged as she rose.

"Miss. Adams," he nodded to her. "Mrs. Adams." He nodded to her mother who was standing up as well. Commodore Norrington turned to his horse, climbing on top of it. Holding on to the reins, he gave a few clicks and took off away from the Adams house.

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