"Zayn?" I questioned, checking his arm once agin. "I don't see a thing."

As my eyes were directed to his arm which caused me to look down, I felt him bring his lips to my ear.

"You lost the bet."

I gasped, then shoved him with my hands, backing away from him. I looked at him, frustrated. "You little..."

He raised an eyebrow, crossing his unharmed arms over his chest, waiting for a response.

I clenched my jaw. "Assface!" I yelled after a while of thinking for the best word to fit this circumstance.

That's when he started laughing uncontrollably. He threw his head back, grabbing his stomach as laughter escaped his lips. But I just stayed there, watching him with an angry look on my face, no matter how adorable he was when he laughed like that.

After a while of him laughing hard, I stomped my foot. "Zayn!" I shouted over his laughter.

He stopped, stared at me, then laughed again. I pouted, walking back over to him and pushing him back with my hands angrily, but to my surprise, he grabbed them before I was able to push. He pulled me closer to him, a cocky grin covering his face. I tried to break loose of his grasp, but he just grabbed on tighter.

"You can't do this to me," I said, hoping to loosen from his grasp so that I could hit him.

He raised an eyebrow, "watch me."

He instantly wrapped his legs around mine, pulling me close to him. He didn't let go of my hands, instead he took them and rested them on his bare chest.

It took my everything not to look down and grab a glimpse of his wonderful bare body, but I wasn't going to lose to him. Especially because I kind of already have.

I sighed, "you aren't actually hurt, are you?"

He rested his forehead against mine, "no baby."

"Then there isn't actually any pie?" I questioned.

He laughed lightly, "sorry darling."

I glared at him, "then that was all acting?"

"Impressive, right?" He grinned, flashing his perfectly white teeth against me. "Your Captain Hook doesn't have anything on me."

I didn't break my hard glare from his soft eyes. "I didn't lose the bet."

He pursed his lips, "I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but who's the one who doesn't have a top on at the moment?"

I huffed at him, "that's because you tricked me into thinking you were hurt."

"We never had any specific rules, now did we?"

"No...but that's still not fair," I declared.

He took a breath, getting comfortable as his legs tightened their grip on mine. "I think that you can't handle losing."

"No," I spat, "that's a lie."

He raised an eyebrow, "I think it's true."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "don't put words in my mouth, Malik."

"Whoa," he laughed, "looks like I've got a feisty one."

I tried to squirm from his grasp again, but couldn't. This wasn't fair. I didn't deserve to lose. Yeah, I was a sore loser. So what? Isn't everybody?

That's when I realized, if he could be clever, then so could I.

I relaxed my shoulders, ready to play my game. His grip around my hands were still there, but I didn't mind as I moved my hands down his bare chest slowly. He sucked in a breath, knowing exactly what I was doing.

Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora