Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21:


                After finals at Hogwarts and the little episode I went through, I wondered what was next. Not only was the wizard that everyone feared out there somewhere, but he hated muggleborns. What was so wrong with me? I was freak even in a group of freaks.

                A knew one thing was for sure. Before he died (which according to Harry he was going to) I was going to find Nicholas Flamel and make him explain what I was and how I could get rid of it. I wanted to be normal and I wanted to not have this power. I could kill if I told someone a color. I didn’t want this. I might feel lost without my powers, but I would get over it. If it meant people would be safe, then so be it, but I wanted them gone. I needed them gone.

                The End of Year Feast was amazing. After Gryffindor going from being last to being first due to the amazing bravery of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and, of course, Neville Longbottom. He was a lot more outspoken than people thought. If only he would start to speak to people more.

                 When we won, everyone but Slytherin cheered. I guess Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were tired of having Slytherin beat them every year.

                Looking around at the banners with the Gryffindor Lion and out scarlet red and the rush of everyone’s aura pulsing, I felt almost like I was being thrown. With my excitement combined and the push of everyone else’s, I felt squashed. It was nearly impossible to push back all the emotions in the room and I feared I would have another burst of power, but I managed to control something within me that wanted out.

                After the amazing food I went with my friends to the common room, the long way.

                “So Echo how was your first year at Hogwarts?” George asked me.

                I smiled at him. “Great!”

                “At least it was more eventful than last year,” Esca said with his hands in his pockets and his vague expression. Tonight his blond hair was messier than Harry’s. “I think it is due to Harry Potter showing up.”

                I shrugged. “Maybe so, but remember he probably just wants to be a normal kid.”

                “Yea,” Elissa joined in, “it’s not his fault You-Know-Who tried to kill him when he was a baby and was unable to.”

                “Yes, but he’s still out there,” I whispered looking out of a window we were pasting. I walked up to it and looked to the Dark Forest. “He got into our school somehow, what if it happens again?”

                “Don’t worry, Echo,” Fred said putting a hand on my shoulder.

                “You have us to protect you,” George put in, placing his hand on my other shoulder.

                “Yea, and me!” Elissa said happily.

                “Me as well, I guess,” Esca mumbled.

                I smiled at our reflection in the window. They were all different, their auras pulsed in their own unique way (expect Esca cause I still could not read his). I was thankful that I would get to spend a lot more time with the faces I saw in the years to come.

                “You all packed?” Elissa asked as she walked into the room.

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