Chapter Fourteen

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Fred and George stared at me. George nodded, telling me to go on, but for some reason I just…couldn’t. I tried to open my mouth and get the words to come out. I just couldn’t. The words wouldn’t come out. I wanted them to. I owed it to Fred to tell him, but I just couldn’t get the words out. I wished I could…they just wouldn’t come out.

                “I…I…” my mind quickly thought of something stupid that happened over the summer in Ireland. “I met a muggle boy I thought was really cute, but he was two years older than me and we kissed one day at a park.” The words came out so fast that I was left a little breathless.

                Fred’s, and George’s mouth fell open. I hadn’t actually told George about that…or anyone for that matter.

                “You kissed a boy?” Fred asked.

                I nodded feeling my cheeks heat up.

                “George you knew about this?” Fred turned to him.

                George quickly closed his mouth. “Not exactly…she hinted it a little I guess, but she never came out and said it.” He looked upset. Fred just looked shocked, but George looked really sad.

                “Well um…thanks for telling me,” Fred said kind of forming it as a question. “It is good to know that my little girl Echo is growing up so fast.”

                I smiled. “Not really and he kissed me, not the other way around. It was rather a nice surprise actually.”

                “Okay, okay we get it,” they said together quickly.

                I laughed slightly. “So what are your plans for the rest of the day?”

                “Well we were going to go see what Flitch was up to,” Fred said.

                “Mind if I join?” I asked.

                They smiled. “Not at all.”

                So the three of us found Flitch using their map. It was amazing! There was only one thing I didn’t like about it. I happened to notice our three names together on it and I saw that the map knew my real name. Instead of having ‘Echo Azuki’ it read ‘Delilah Azuki.’ I am not sure why I did not like people knowing my real name, but for some reason Delilah just bothered me. Thankfully the boys didn’t notice it though.

                Flitch was in his office in the dungeon. We got in the back way using a tunnel that was on the map. George kept trying to scare me in the dark, but luckily I wasn’t that afraid of the dark. The three of us poked our heads around the corner and saw Flitch writing something at his desk. Fred pulled out some dungbombs and the three of us go ready to throw and run.

                George held up his fingers. Three…two…one! We threw them in and then sprinted down the dungeons. Behind us we heard them explode and screams of rage. Fred was falling all over the place laughing and having trouble running. When we got back to the tunnel we closed the passage, walked down it for a few minutes, and then fell over laughing.

                “That was great,” George said.

                “He will smell for a week,” Fred replied.

My Best Friend George Weasley ~ Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now