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I flopped myself on Jimin's bed releasing a deep sigh afterwards

Hoseok.. Namjoon.. Are you guys watching me? I thought and closed my eyes

Before i could be in a deep slumber, my phone vibrated in my pocket continuously

I tried to ignore it but the vibration became annoying so i picked up

"Hello?" I say, feeling annoyed "Hey Y/N" a deep voice was heard on the other line which made me widen my eyes

"Taehyungie!" I squealed in happiness while he chuckles "Miss me? My hoe" he teases

"Lol, still a bitch i see" i snorted and the conversation goes on and on forgetting my problems till..

"Y/N-ah.. I heard that.. Hoseok died.. Why?" He asks in a worried tone

I could feel my eyes water and my nose becoming runny, i started to sniff which made Taehyung sighed "Since when did you have a stalker?" He asks

"I don't know, i haven't seen him or her yet" i answered rubbing my puffy eyes

"What? You still don't know the stalker's gender? He or she might be planning something dangerous to let you know his or her name" he says, slurping sounds follow after

"I don't know.. but there wasn't anyone that looks suspicious, my stalker didn't show up in front of me or anything he just gives me weird stuffs and even bloody ones" i say touching the hem of my t-shirt, biting my lower lip feeling my eyes water again

Taehyung deeply sighed "Y/N i'm coming back to Korea tomorrow" he says in a cheerful tone, changing the topic

"R-really?!" I jumped in happiness "I can't wait to see you my bitch!"

Taehyung chuckles "Me too my hoe"

??? POV

Has her brother recognized me? That's too bad, I might kill him. Whoever gets in the way, death will be on its way too

I laughed maniacally "Ah.. Y/N... You're so beautiful and addicting making me crave for you.." I caressed her cheeks staring at her face, admiring every feature of her smiling directly at the camera

"But so dumb and innocent.." I lick my lips "Your mouth will soon be screaming my name non stop.." i smirked and kissed the picture "And i'll be the one to destroy and devour your innocence" i stared at the beautiful picture in front of me "Park Y/N" i backed away after saying her beautiful name, admiring my wall full of her pictures

This is paradise what else if i could really have the real one, that might be heaven but i have to wait. I need to introduce myself first

??? thought


*Parks Y/N in the parking lot* your wish is my command ???
Lol i'm starting to think that her stalker's name is ???(question mark x3) Lmao that'll be funny

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