Chapter 2

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[BC]Chapter 1

[Ruby's first person pov]

{In Ruby's dream}

'Where am I?..'
I thought to myself as I felt little drops of liquid falling down my face...I tried to open my eyes...but it seems to fail...I tried again and again...but it just becomes heavier.

I then tried to move my arms and legs, they were actived like I predicted. Seeming that worked I tried opening my eyes again, and finally without fail.. I opened them but I was greeted by a blazing light that shot right at me making my eyes hurt.

I slowly got up from where I was at...I looked at my surroundings, but all I saw was one seems to be here but just me...all I see was walls all around I had no where else to go....but what made me question more about this room was the redness on the made my curious...

'Why am I here?...what is here anyways?'
I questioned myself...

When I first got up from the bed I was on, I looked around for any hidden doors I could fine...but nothing...fear shot right though me as I thought of Weiss

'Where is she...where has she gone...did she leave me?'

I shook the thought out of my head.


Was all I heard as I look up and saw what looked like a girl with brown and white hair that peeked her head to what they called a 'tripped door'

'where did that door came from?'
I thought but looked at the girl and cried out to her

"Who are you?!" ..but no response

"Where am I!?" I kept trying...but finally she spoke

"You are where you need to be, little rose" she said as she looked directly into my silver eyes.

"What do you mean?" I Asked unsure If I wanted my question to be answer but I put on a brave face anyways

The girl smiled "You will soon be free" She Said, I looked at her confused...

"Wha-" I was cut off when she spoke "You will soon find out for yourself, Little Rose"

I was going to say something until the girl disappeared and left me all alone again...but this time...the room was all black...only darkness was left...and what scared me the most was a image of Weiss...covered in blood

"Weiss!!" I cried out to her, than the image of her faded into ashes as I just stared at the ashes that felled...tears trying to break free.


{End of Dream}

[Weiss's Third Person POV]

It was a sleepless night, Weiss was on the bed next to Ruby who's sleeping soundly...They were in Weiss's room knowing that Ruby a afraid of hospitals so Weiss just bought her room...

Getting up from the chair Weiss was currently sitting on, looking at Ruby hoping she'll wake up soon..she decided to walk out of her room but not before taking a good glimpse at Ruby, who was literally helpless at the moment seeing all the bandaids that was on her.

She closed the door quietly and headed to anywhere that'll clear her mind...after a few minutes have passed and seeming that she was already calm, she asked for one of her servants to get a bath ready for her.

She walked back quietly into her own room where Ruby was still asleep as she got her clothes and trowel she went to her bathroom as her maid got her bath ready. Weiss quickly undressed herself as she started to get inside the tub.

An hour passed and Weiss got dress, she wear a tank top and some shorts as she was to lazy to get something more suitable, she went out the bathroom and what surprised Weiss more was that Ruby was finally awake

"Ruby!" She ran by Ruby's side as Ruby looked at Weiss and smiled "Hey there, ice flower" Weiss blushed at the name but smiled more calmly "I'm glad your awake" she said holding on to Ruby's hand "And I'm glad to be long was I out?" Ruby questioned her white haired friend...Weiss didn't want to answer the question because knowing Ruby...she wouldn't like what Weiss will say...Weiss started to look down.

"Weiss?..." Ruby said gently and calmly knowning she'll be alright on which ever answer Weiss will give her.

"'ve been out...for...about a week" Weiss finally said she tighten her grip on Ruby's hand but there was no arguing, she looked up at Ruby and saw what she thought was a nightmare...her silver eyes...all lifeless and it's been drained

"Ruby..." Weiss started saying..."What happened to you, when you were gone?" She said looking up at Ruby glaze...but Ruby looked away "Stuff happened, but it's no big deal..don't worry about it" Ruby smiled at her friend "so what if I've been out for a week...I've still got a bone to pick with that guy who stabbed the shit out of me" Ruby said while caressing Weiss's cheek "but enough about are you doing?" She said...Weiss just looked at her "I'm fine...nothing interesting happened...except for my father screaming at me...saying how unworthy and useless I am for bringing you here and testing in my home on my bed...but either that I'm pretty fine" She laughed awkwardly

"Is that so" Ruby slowly got up..but Weiss didn't allow her "don't move...or you'll just open up your wound" she said "oh, com in Weiss..moving can't hurt me that much" Ruby Said and got up but this time Weiss let her.

At the moment Ruby stood up and was standing on her two feet but fell right back onto the bed as she felt a shock wave ran up her spine feeling chills "ok...I stand corrected" Ruby finally admitted and got onto the bed again.

"You Dolt" Weiss smiled and poked Ruby's cheeks " you have to stay for a while until you can get back on your feet, got it?" She commended Ruby but all Ruby can do was smile.

"Yea, Sure thing...'Ice princess'" Ruby said with a smirk

Weiss blushed and looked away..."j..just get some need rest" she said laying Ruby back down onto the bed...Ruby just nodded and closed her eyes as Weiss lay beside Ruby closing her eyes as well and Weiss draft off to sleep...but has Ruby was still awake

Ruby looked up at the ceiling... wondering who that brown and white haired girl was as she slowly closed her eyes once again and says:

"Soon I'll be free huh?...I wonder what challenge will await me"
she said as she slowly draft off to sleep.
A/N Done with this chapter! Hope you guys liked it and I'll be switching the POV's more and I'll be sure to make another chapter! So please just await till then, see you need time

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