chapter 16

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(Thanks everyone reading this I've got 55 reads and want to say thanks to everyone who has read my book.)

*Frank's pov*

Bob fell asleep on my chest. I got up and put him under the covers. He connected himself to my pillow and a smile crossed over his face.

I went and grabbed my camera off my stand. I mounted it onto the tripod. I sat down on the end of the bed and hit the start button. "Hey guys, it CrankThatFrank back here today with you guys. Today's video will be a little bit more of a serious video. I'm going to talk about my personal life. I don't talk about it all that often in videos. Today I want to talk about it though because I've found someone who makes me happy in life. You haven't  see then yet but their here.

Let's start off with me. I would like to tell you guys that I'm gay. I've never said it to you guys before. The person that makes me really happy In life is a guy. I'm not telling you guys much about him yet, but his name is Bob. This is him."

I stood up off the bed so they could see him. I say back down again In front of him. "Me and him have been talking for about a month now. We just started dating actually though.

There not much else to say so, I'll see you guys In the next video bye."

I turned off my camera and looked at Bob. He was sleeping so peacefully. I went and laid down beside him. I wrapped my arms around his waist. He pushed himself back around me.
I laid my head in the crook of his neck. I kissed his neck and left little marks. He flinched and pushed away from me. He flipped over and opened his eyes. He looked me and giggled. Our moment was stopped by a knock at my door. I got up to see my mom holding a try of food. She handed it to me and said, "Here's lunch for you and Bob I hope you like it."

I took the tray and she walked away. I walked back over to my desk and Bob sat up on the bed. I handed him a glass of water and a sandwich. He took then and I grabbed mine. I went over and sat in his lap, facing him. I began to eat my sandwich when there was another knock on my door.
I got up and awnsered it. Jessie came storming into my room. "Who the hell is this Bob guy your dating?"

I looked at Bob and saw how scared he was. He pulled himself into a ball on my bed. Jessie saw him and grabbed the color of his shirt. "Who the hall are you?"

"I-im B-Bob."

"Are you dating Frank?"


"How old are you?"


Jessie let go of him. And he went back into a ball. She walked over to me and slapped my face. "Frank, what are you thinking. Dating a 17 year old. Your 21 you can go to jail you idiot!"

"I know, I love him Jessie. He is what I've been looking for in a person, plus it's only less than a year before were completely fine from police personal."

"Still Frank, you be got to be careful. What if the cops see your video."

Bob looked up and said, "What video?"

"I made a video coming out because I felt happy and confident to know I'm with you. But in my  video I said your name."


Bob put his head back down in his knees. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He lifted his head and looked at me. "I-i don't want you to go to jail because of m-me."

"Baby I love you so much. If I had to I would go to jail just be with you."

"B-but I'm the problem. I-im too young. I-i can get you in t-trouble."

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