Chapter 1

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I began to stir as the harsh bells or my alarm rang in my ears. The temptation to snooze the reached noise was much less than that of which to stay in my elusive dream land, much to my dismay my sleepy visions drifted further away with each deafening shrill as they grew louder and progressively more annoying. Giving in I through my legs out of my soft warm bed and my feet hit the rigid floor. I groaned trying to remember why the hell I had set my alarm so early. I crossed of things in my mind trying to figure out the reason behind my early rising, then it hit me, Niall’s coming home!

Niall and I have been friends, no scratch that, best friends since we were around 4 or 5. We first met when I moved with my parents from America to Ireland why, I have no idea but I'm glad we did. Our house was right next to Niall’s so we soon met and became close friends we spent most of our time together playing in our ‘den’, which in our eyes was the best place in the world. 

We went to the same primary school where, as our parents would say, mischief was our best subject however this soon came to an end when we went to high school as Niall’s mother insisted he went to an all boys school. We spent as much time as we could together but this soon became difficult when exams crept up on us but we still managed to work around our hectic schedules and remain close.

When Niall and I were 16 I remember his strong Irish voice booming over the phone declaring that he had some ‘amazing new’ and that he would be over in two. Minutes later I heard the front door swing open and his voice blaring “HELLLLOOOO” obviously trying to decide where abouts I was hidden “In the kitchen Niall, want some lunch?” I asked.

“How long have you known me? Yet you still ask if I want food, I'm sure you know the answer” Niall laughed as he approached me.

I laughed and plated up some pasta for the both of us Niall quickly gathered us both some forks and scurried of to begin chowing down on his meal. I sat down beside him in the dining room and we ate in silence. When Niall finished his food he began to tell me about his news.

“okay so I applied for the X-factor and they gave me an audition date I'm going to give it a shot, What do you think?” 

I didn’t know how to reply I was in shock yet so happy for him he’s been dieing to try for years and I know how much this means to him.

“WHAT! Ohmigod NIALL I CAN’T BELIVE IT I'M SOO HAPPY FOR YOU AGGGGH WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO SING, NO WAIT WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO WEAR? CAN I COME WITH YOU TO THE AUDITION? WE SHOULD GET TSHIRTS” The words came out like vomit I wasn’t even thinking about what I was saying I gave in a wrapped my arms around his neck, he laughed probably at my reaction more than anything.

Niall's audition went well he got through thanks to the wonderful Katy Perry and he was over the moon. A few weeks later Niall had to go to London for boot camp, I was sad to see him go yet so excited for him, we promised to skype all the time and I was happy with that. When Niall told me the outcome I was shocked no longer was he a single singer he was now part of a boy band with 4 other boys he had never met! Anyways we all know what happened from there on, One Direction were formed and millions off girls Lost  their ovaries, yeah yeah whatever, I lost my best friend.

Since One direction formed Niall and I have barely spoken and when we do he‘s different and not in a good way, I plan to change this when he gets home but it will be difficult since he’s bringing the morons with him.

AN - Hey guys first chapter of my first ever fanfic pleeeeease leave feedback telling me what you think! oh by the way im not going to be like 100% accurate with all the facts about the boys as im going to change them a little. I love 1D so if i say anything bad about them its purly for the purpose of the story :D anyway I've just typed this so it hasnt been check so just ignore any errors :) thanks for reading guys its really appreciated! Hope you all like it! oh and picture on the side is of the boys on the xfactor, dont cha think its hot? lol sorry this chappy is short x       -A

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