Friends? Friends.

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          I walk outside to begin my walk to school... when I notice Cameron's car.

      Ferris, from the back seat, rolls down the window, "Get in, we're gonna be late!" he shouted. I looked at him then at Cameron through the passenger window and smiled. I got in and sighed out of relief. 

     Cameron smiled, "Hey, _____" he turned his head to me slightly and put the car in drive.

     "Hey Cam, how was your night?" I asked, placing my book bag on the floor between my feet.

     "Better, since we made up..." He chuckled, his same goofy laugh. I was still staring at my book bag when a huge smile crossed my face, I couldn't help it, He was cute. Sloane and Ferris were whispering and giggling in the back. I looked up in the rear view mirror at them. 

     "Oh Hey, your sister asked me to the dance the other day... Uh, I told her no, but she told me she'd see me at 8." Cameron said shakily.

     "Ugh, I knew she was lying. I am so sorry about her, she has the BIGGEST crush on you." I rolled my eyes

     "I picked the wrong sister then..." He mumbled to himself.

     "Hmm?" I turn my head to look at him.

     "Oh nothing, nothing. aha." He replied half-heartily. I gave him a funny look then went searching in my bag for a hair brush. The radio was barely a whisper, it was going on about the basketball game last night. Only Ferris went to it, nobody else was interested

     "Damn, I left my hairbrush at home" I sigh and hit my head against the headrest.

      Cameron shrugged, "Why not just use your fingers to brush it?"

     "Uh, because that doesn't work as well?" I scoff.

      He shrugged and reached his hand over and lightly combed through my hair with his fingers, "Your hair feels nice enough already."

     I Barely heard his voice, I couldn't speak. I melted into his hand and mumbled something out. He twirled a strand with his finger then pulled his hand back to the wheel. I was staring at my backpack, my heart pounding, my face hot. My mouth felt numb, I raised my eyes to the mirror and Ferris and Sloane were both wide-eyed whispering to each other. Usually I would care, but I was too filled with joy. We pulled up to school and I stepped out of the car, I didn't even notice how shaky my legs were until now.

      Cameron walked by my side and nudged me, "Come on, don't wanna be late."

         I nodded and followed him into the school, whimpering random nonsense. 

      Cameron turned his head to me and smiled, "You know, I'm really glad we made up, I was super upset when I thought you hated me."

      I chuckled, "Hate you? Cam, I could never hate you... You're so cool, and you're really fun to hang out with..." I was beginning to ramble, "And your hair is really nice, and your eyes are so hypnotizing I can hardly look away sometimes." I yelped when someone pinched my side, hard. I turned and saw Ferris mouth, 'Thank me later'   I was about to go after him when Cameron lightly grabbed my arm, I turned to look up at him and his face was as red as a fire truck. 

        "Hey Cam are you feeling ok?" I say, reaching up for his face.

     His voice was shaky and cracking, "_____, do you... like me?"

      I now understood why Ferris pinched me, "Cam I... I... wow..." the bell rang and I gave a half hearted smiled, "Can't be late, talk later!" I turn and must've broken a world record with how fast I ran to Algebra. 

        Shit, I have to ride with him back home... maybe he'll forget? Or maybe I'll spontaneously combust during 7th period. I was chewing my pen, trying to take my mind off it, would he ever talk to me again? Oh god he probably doesn't feel the same.. I apparently chewed so hard my pen exploded in my mouth. I looked down as some ink dribbled from my mouth to my paper. I heard Ferris give a light snort beside me as I slowly stood up and walked to the teachers desk. I light tapped his desk with my finger, then pointed to my slightly ajar mouth. He looked up at me, either confused or disappointed, maybe both. As soon as he ushered me to the door I practically leapt out of the room and fast walked to the nearest water fountain. I was drowning my mouth with water for what seemed like forever. I looked up and saw Cameron walking out of his class and he caught my eye... or maybe he just saw the ink leaking from some random kids mouth. He took a step towards me before looking behind me and promptly doing a 180 and walking the other way. Weird.

        "Ms. ______," Mr. Rooney's voice called. I slowly stood up and turned to him. "What exactly are you doing out of class?" He asked.

       I pointed to my mouth, with some ink still in it, "My pen exploded, sir." 

     He eyed me carefully then nodded and walked on. Whew, that was close with Ball Buster Rooney. 

       The rest of my classes went as smoothly as you can imagine. Most of them were hell as I shared them with Cameron, and was practically ignoring him the whole time. And I was definitely not excited when the last bell of the day rang, signaling my terrifying. return to Cameron's car to face what would probably be the worst moment of my life, rejection. My legs felt numb as I slowly walked outside and to the parking lot. I stopped at the edge and eyed Cameron's car. 'This is it' I thought, and took my first step onto the asphalt.

Cameron's first love (Cameron Frye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now