Chapter 11

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The following months took the same schedule as the previous days aside from the fact that Ashton would stay in every tactics meeting, which, though we presumed it wouldn't be taken lightly, was taken much better than my arrival. Also, the fencing lessons ceased as I really didn't need them. And every night I would lay in bed clutching Alex's pillow to my chest and cry myself to sleep.

This night wasn't any different until a quiet bang rang through my chambers rattling me awake. Voices from the outside were mere murmurs and indistinguishable. I rolled over. Alex must be home from his...travels as I wish to call them. I refuse to believe he is at war. If it was him, then only moments from now he will come in, take me in his arms and kiss me awake. If it is not, then I have merely rolled over in the night. I sighed as I heard my door click open, then a few moments later shut. Alexzander was home. I felt weight shift the bed, but It was unfamiliar. I chalked it up to the time that had passed, but then a hand covered my mouth. I tried to scream, but it was muffled, and I would have been surprised if someone in the same room heard me, let alone somewhere else in the castle.

"I see we've found the king's slut," he exclaimed. "The whore," he laughed as his other hand slid up my legs while I flailed.

He straddled me, pinning me to the bed. His hand left my mouth as I screamed.

"Don't worry you little hussy, you'll get what you want soon enough."

He slapped me so hard the sound echoed. I could feel him touching me and I wished I could shove him away. I screamed again hoping someone would hear me, but knowing only those who wouldn't care were the humans standing outside if anyone was even there to begin with. I screamed again, weaker, but I couldn't do nothing with someone...forcing themselves on me. I felt a tear run down my cheek.

My doors burst open.

"Get off my wife," he bellowed drawing his sword pulling the man on top of me to the floor.

I heard a crunch, from which I could only imagine the damage of the swung sword.

"Alex," I wailed as he dropped everything in his hands and threw off the now bloody shirt he was wearing.

"My star-shine."

He wrapped his arms around me, wiping my tears.

"Guards," he called.

"Have this body removed and alert the servants that this room will need to be vacated. Our new chambers will be those in the fourth hall."

The men left, but Alex continued to hold me.

"How badly are you hurt," he asked examining the mark on my face.

"I'm fine," I told him. "I know you hate hearing it, but I was the king's whore, I'm use to this."

I could tell that this statement hurt him, but it was true.

"I do hate it when you say that. You are my wife and I love you."

I smiled at him.

"I love you," I told him pulling his lips to mine.

"If only I had come home a few minutes sooner, I could have saved you," he said and I felt something wet drop onto my shoulder.

I looked at him.

"Don't cry my darling," I told him. "If you had been here it's possible that he would have killed you without us even knowing of his presence," I said stroking his arm. "I have you here in my arms, alive. I couldn't ask for much more."

He pressed his lips to mine.

"You are a better wife then any man could ever want."

I felt his hand on my cheek and as it brushed, what I was sure was now a bruise, I winced. He jumped back realizing what was going on.

"Let's get you out of this room."

He scooped me up and carried me up the stairs and to our new chambers.

"This should be better," he said setting me on the bed. "I'm going to take care of this," he left the room, still shirtless.

I took a shaking breath as I looked around. Nothing in here was comforting, I needed Alex. Slowly I stood, my night gown still rumpled from the attack. I left the room after covering myself in a robe. I strolled the halls looking for Alex when I heard his voice from behind the doors of the tactical room.

"We need to find the one responsible for this," he half yelled.

I could imagine him pacing.

"No need, I'm responsible," the kings voice was low and absolute.

I stopped in my tracks, that monster was behind this.

"You're responsible for the barbaric things that happened to my wife," Alexzander asked.

"She was mine first," the king said.

I didn't hear if there were any other words exchanged, but I did hear a shriek that caused the nearby guards to rush into the room. Inside, Alex stood, now wearing a shirt, over the body of his father, his sword drawn and a pool of blood growing at his feet.

"No one abuses my wife," he spat at the body before turning to the guards. "Dispose of the body and inform the kingdom of the death of their dumbass king."

He threw his sword to the floor.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Alex took my hand blood still dripping off his shirt and led me away from the doors and into the throne room where the other residents of the castle were standing.

"Wait here a moment."

He let go of my hand and left the room returning a few moments later no longer covered in blood. He reached out and I grabbed his hand as he led me up to the throne platforms. He nodded for me to sit in the queen's throne as he sat in the king's.

"It is with my deepest regrets that I must inform you that His Majesty the King of Itadour, Kevin Alexzander Leon Zacharias Kingsley the third is dead."

A gasp echoed across the room before everyone composed themselves.

"Long live the king."

They cheered as they bowed before us.

"Long live the queen."

Alexzander stood and took my hand as he led us out of the room. Just outside Ashton stopped us.

"What happened? Someone said father died."

He looked slightly concerned.

"Father has died," Alex told him.

"How," he asked looking between the both of us.

"Not here," he said pulling us along the halls until we were in our new bedroom.

"How did he die," Ashton commanded the moment the door closed.

"He was the one that arranged the attack."

His eyes grew.

"Father did that? Why," he asked, I merely sat down, I didn't want to relive it.

"He wanted to mutilate Mariana."

Ashton looked confused.

"I burst into the room to find her being violated. Father admitted he set it up. I killed him, she wouldn't have been safe here with him."

Ashton looked as if he was going to collapse.

"The son of a bitch deserved it," he said before leaving the room.

I stood silently and looked at Alex.

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you too, with all my heart," he said as he pressed his lips to mine.

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