Chapter 2

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I heard my mother shouting from the next room.

"Yes," I said as I entered the kitchen from the pantry brushing flour from my skirt.

My dress wasn't the fanciest or the prettiest, but it worked for its needs. A brown hid all the dirt and it stopped just above my knees, so I could move easily. It had short sleeves, so I could use my arms and my white apron tied neatly at the small of my back providing pockets to hold anything I needed throughout the day. My shoes were black flats that provided comfort for walking. My mother patted my shoulder when I reached her. She brushed a piece of stray hair off my shoulder and behind my ear. She sighed then jumped remembering there was work that needed to be done.

"The king has sent for his dinner. He requested you bring it to his chambers."

I nodded.

"Of course, mother," I said taking the silver tray from the counter and walking to the stairs.

On my way, I thought. I never imagined I would be serving the king his meal, though when Alex becomes king I would have continued to serve him, but that seems so far from now.

When I reached the door to the king's quarters, where two guards stood and next to them stood Delilah, I tried to keep my voice calm.

"I have His Majesty's dinner," I said to them while extending the additional fork to her.

She smiled and while she cut a piece she spoke to me.

"The other servant told me I would be seeing you here when she delivered dinner to the Prince."

She placed the fork in her mouth, chewed, then nodded.

"I will see you tomorrow Mariana," she said as she walked away.

Without another word, the guards opened the first door for me. This door led into a small room where another set of doors stood just like those of the prince's room. I knocked on this door.

"Come in," a voice said.

Slowly I opened the door. Inside was a large room that had many things like a desk, fireplace, and a bed. Though not any different from the Prince's by meaning of content the colors were darker and the area larger. At the desk sat the king.

"Your Majesty," I said while curtsying. "Your dinner."

I placed the tray on the table.

"Looks delicious," he said.

It was a moment before I realized he wasn't looking at the food when he said this.

"Do you require anything else," I asked.

He smiled as he stood. He was rather tall, towering over me.

"May I ask how old you are? Because you simply must be older than you appear by your beauty."

I took a shaky breath.

"I'm eighteen, Your Majesty."

His eyes widened.

"Barely of age. Your husband is very lucky. What would be his name," he asked touching my hair and rubbing it between his fingers again.

"I'm not married."

He smiled.

"Wait here a moment," he said walking out the door.

Only a moment later I heard the first set of doors shut and he returned shutting the second set. He walked behind me and suddenly I felt lips on my neck and my apron loosening. I gasped and tried to step away, but an arm wrapped around me and held me to his body.

"Your Majesty," I said clawing at his arm trying to pry it off me.

His lips were now on my shoulder and moving to my jaw. They had just reached my ear when he whispered.

"You're no longer a kitchen girl. You are my mistress and you will do as I say. Get on the bed."

He threw me forward.

"Please Your Majesty, her virtue is all a girl has."

He smiled as he walked towards me and backed me into a post of his bed.

"But a king gets what he wants," he sneered pushing his body against mine. "And I want you."

He pressed his lips to mine then shoved me on the bed. His hand pushed my skirt up, then he removed his pants. I shut my eyes as tight as possible while he thrusted into me. I tried to make my mind blank as he continued to touch and kiss me.

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