Chapter 3

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Finally, he released me.

"Leave me," he demanded. 

Quickly I got up and picked up my apron. I walked swiftly out of the room then ran the rest of the way to the kitchen.

"Mother," I yelled in tears and threw myself at her, sobbing.

"My darling what's happened," she asked brushing my hair.

"The king... he... he... he told me I'm... his mistress now," I said through sobs.

"You mean... he took your virtue," she asked.

"Yes. I begged him not to, but he forced me on the bed."

I sobbed again as she rubbed my back. I heard the kitchen door open and footsteps on the concrete.

"The king has ordered new chambers be set up for his mistress."

The voice belonged to my brother Sage.

"Ana are you alright?"

His tone full of worry as he knelt next to my mother and wrapped me in his arms.

"I'll take care of setting up the mistress's chambers. You care for your sister Sage," my mother said standing and leaving the room.

"What's happened Ana," Sage asked patting my back like my mother.

His voice was so soothing I couldn't help, but tell him everything.

"He did," he asked shocked at the end of my story.

"I'm his new mistress," I said shakily.

He took my hand and patted it.

"Sage, what man will want me now?"

He shook his head.

"Any man who knows what lies in your heart and can look past the wrongs that have been done to you."

I smiled.

"Thank you, Sage. I should... I guess I should go look at my new chambers."

He nodded as I stood up and walked out of the room.

My new chambers weren't so much of a room but a closet. There was no bed, only a cot which traditionally was used only during wartime by soldiers. A small wardrobe sat in the corner. Inside were the few dresses I owned. I sat on the cot and thought. My life was ruined. Any marriage possibility I had now was gone, especially if I wanted to raise my station. I'd be lucky to wed a slave now. The king's mistress, the king's whore. The slut that's allowed to live in the castle. That's all I am now. A whore who doesn't get paid, just paraded around the royal court as some prize. Given to nobles by the king. A tear ran down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I decided it was best if I walked the halls a bit and attempted to cheer myself up.

In the halls, the prince stumbled upon me.

"Your Highness," I said curtsying.

"Mariana," Alexzander said his eyes lighting up as he came over to me. "I was hoping I'd catch you in the halls."

I smiled.

"What can I do for you, Your Highness?"

He shook his head, his blond hair glinting in the light almost out shining the gold on his cloak.

"I just wanted to see you."

I smiled and looked at my feet.

"I didn't even know you knew my name, let alone that you wanted to see me. I could have come to your chambers," I said as he laughed.

"Who doesn't know your name in this castle Mariana? You do everything from cook to tending fires."

I shrugged.

"I wanted to see you because you light up my day and if I called you to my chambers that doesn't seem right. Besides, I was expecting you to deliver my dinner, but the other servant said you had been asked elsewhere."

I smiled at him.

"I do hope you will be delivering my nightly hot coffee as I'd love to see you again," he said his muscular arm reaching out to brush the same stray piece of my hair away from my face.

"I wish I could, but I no longer work in the kitchens."

He gave a surprised sounding squeak.

"What is it that you do now," he asked.

I looked at my feet searching for anything to get me out of saying the truth. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his eyes widen.

"No. It wasn't you, was it," he asked placing his hand on my chin and pulling my face up to look at his. "I heard he forced a kitchen girl into being his mistress, but please tell me it wasn't you," he said obvious pain in his eyes.

"Ana," the king yelled from down the hall.

"Pardon me. It seems the king has called," I said solemnly as I curtsied and walked back to the king's chambers. "You called Your Majesty."

He smiled.

"Ana, come."

I walked toward him where he lay in his bed propped up on his elbow. He took the hand which he wasn't propped upon and pulled the pins holding up my hair before brushing it behind my shoulder. The laces on my dress began to loosen as I closed my eyes.

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