I say "Maybe" because I have no idea what he wants. He is a guy, and guys always want perverted things from their girlfriends. And that is one thing he is DEFINETLY not getting.

He says " Okay. After we rescue Whitney, you have to go on vacation with me to anywhere I pick."

I nod my head in agreement causing him to put me down. He leans down and kisses me on the lips. It is a short kiss because he is a werewolf and werewolves are always hungry. Well, he might not be hungry for long. I don't want him mad at me again, so I whisper in his ear. I say

"Don't eat the food. I pranked that to. Wait until everyone else figures out the prank. Then, I will bring out the real food. Ohh and you might want to get this on camera. It's gonna be hilarious".

We walk back inside to see everyone getting their food. They all start eating. Suddenly, Scarlett starts to screams and is wipping off her mouth quickly as if she is trying to get something out of it. I notice that she has milk dripping out of her mouth. I guess she drank the sour milk. Blaine is laughing at my side while we watch as she dances around crying.

Adrian growls and throws his plate across the room. He looks pissed. AGAIN!!!!!! Everyone starts screaming and jumping back away from the table. Some people even throw up because of the food. I am dieing of laughter again. By the time everyone is looking at me, I stop laughing which is like five minutes later. I say

"HAHA!!!!! Yalls faces were priceless. I didn't even get this much of a reaction out of my pack. Damn!!!! And I even got all that on video. Ohhh!!!! How do you guys like your new hair??????".

Adrian growls and says" Nobody messes with me. I think my mate needs to be punished."

Before Blaine can say anything, I say

"I dare you to even try touching me!!!".

Adrian puts his hand out as to touch me, but instead I grab it and easily flip him over my shoulder. He lands on the ground with a big THUMP!!!! I say

"Damn!!!!! That is the loudest bang anyone has made when I do that to them. You are really fat. That just means you will get the training that is ten times harder than everyone else".

I grab the breakfast that wasn't messed up and set it all out on the table and say

"Here is the breakfast that I didn't prank. The eggs, bacon, and sausage from before isn't pranked, so yall can eat that. When yall are done, gather everyone who is fighting or guarding the pack house and get to the clearing. Hurry up because I will be waiting!!!!".

••••••••••••••••AT TRAINING••••••••••••••


"Okay. Everyone start out with ten laps around the territory. Then come back and do 100 push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. Ready!!!!! Go!!!!!!".

After about six laps, some people started to slack off. I tell Blaine to stay up front and lead the group while I go to the back to help the people falling back. Of course, it had to be all girls. One girl caught my attention though. She was wearing sweats and a long-sleeved shirt. I could tell that she was weaker than the rest. She had bruises all over her body. I run up next to her and say

" Hi!! My name is Britney. What's your name?".

She says" My name is Logan. If you don't mind me asking, Why are you talking to........me?".

I say "Well, I am the pack trainer, and I need to train everyone. You were slacking of, so I came to help. Now look where you are running at".

Logan looks ahead. She looks suprised. Instead of being in the back like she was a minute ago, now she is in the front of the entire pack. We gained like five hundred yards on the pack.She says

"Wow!!!! I just out ran the whole pack. How did I do that?".

I say "Well, while we were talking, you concentrated on me. When I ran faster, you kept up with me since you were focused on me. Can I ask you a question?".

Logan nods her head 'yes'. I ask "No offense attended, but why do you look so.........weak?".

Logan says "Well, I am the packs Omega. They beat me when I don't do as they say".

I see her sad face and immediately want to know who beats her because they will be beaten today in training just as bad as her. I say

" Can you tell me who beats you please?".

Logan looks down and says "Usually, the Alpha, Scarlett, and Allyson. Not Allyson anymore since you killed her. I guess I owe you a thanks, so Thank you".

I say "Does the Beta beat you too?".

Logan says" No. I have never even seen the Beta".

I nod and say "Okay. Let's go kick ass on those who beat you. Remember, I am the new pack trainer. I don't let my FRIENDS get hurt and beaten. Ohhhh and by the way, you are no longer the Omega. You are my assisstant until you can fulfill my role. Let's go find Adrian".

I mind link Blaine to stop on the next lap and to have people skip the jumping jacks and stuff. I get back to the clearing and wait for everyone else with Logan. When everyone gets to the clearing, I say

"Okay. I have an announcement to make. I heard that Logan here is the Omega. Well guess what. She is no longer the Omega. Now, she is my new assisstant until she can take my place as the pack trainer. If anyone beats her again, you will be beaten ten times harder by me. Am I clear?".

Everyone nods except for Adrian. I say "Do we have a problem Adrian?".

He says "You can't just go and change the ranks of my pack members".

I say "Well I did, so you can get over it. Since you wanted to question me, you can be my train dummy for the rest of the day. Maybe you can get as many bruises as Logan has. Let's start".

After about five hours of beating Adrian up to show the pack the different moves they should do, I started to tell them some rules.

1) Never turn your back on your opponent.

2) Make sure the rouge is dead and not just pretending to be.

3) Stay alert and pay attention at all times.

4) Watch your own back when fighting.

5) Combine your moves together for better effect.

6) Expect the unexpected.

7) Don't show your weaknesses.

8) Use others weaknesses to your advantage.

9) Protect the other pack members along with your self.

10) Help anyone else who needs help.

And most importantly:

11) STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the rules, Adrian comes up to the front. He says

" Okay. Everyone rest. You all are gonna need it. Tomorrow, we leave at eleven o'clock sharp. We spy and rest. Then noon the next day we attack to get Whitney back. That's it. Yall may go to sleep now".

All I can think is: YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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