Anger had lured out his beast Griff realized. Calm, he must be calm in order to keep his predatory instincts at bay. The goat stopped its struggling and went back to eating, Taron was obviously confused, but said nothing.

Taron and his uncles small hut was dark, but the candles made it look alive. Inside was warm, a piece of bread, cup of milk and some cheese were on the table. Taron sat down, trying to be quiet so not to wake his snoring uncle. Griffin noticed something odd hanging from the wall, horse tail hairs and next to those were two long almost white as snow horns.
Something in his gut told me it wasn't jut ox and horse that had to lose part of them.

"Uncle killed his first centaur when he had his fifteenth name day. Said the centaur was large as bull and angry as one in spring time. The bull was crazy, came stomping out of the woods into the village. Its coat was dark as death and eyes grey as stormy clouds. The beast killed uncles sister, so in rage uncle took a small dagger and pierced it through the centaurs skull. So, he doesna like enchanted creatures that much.” Taron said, looking at Griffin from the corner of his eye. The older of the two broke bread and poured some milk to himself.

Griff couldn't understand why would a creature like centaur wander so far away from Enchanted Forest. He'd never talked to their kind, but he'd seen one or two galloping through the bushes once. They were magnificent and calm creatures.
He realized he was standing rudely and went to sit down with Taron. The man just stared at him in silence.
Griff hadn't even realized how tired he was, his eyes landed on the cantle placed on the table.

He hoped it had been right decision, he hoped Irma and mother were both safe and sound. Irma would watch after mother, but who would look after her? He knew they were fine, it just felt like they were alive and well at the time being.
A piece of bread being placed in front of him pulled him out of his worrying thoughts. “Eat, you look as if you're going to pass out.” the older man said quietly, reaching for the milk.

So, Griffin ate. He gulped down all that was left in the mug and ate every bread crumb.
To the Lord of the Lords, he made his second oath that day. He was going to return to his family with Kayla, or he wasn't going to return at all.

“Alright, talk boy.” Taron said, looking down to Griff who was still munching at the dry bread. Griffin had earlier told him his name, for safety he told him his second name Erazmus, but Taron hadn't called him by his name once. Either boy or stranger.
He cleared his throat and placed down the empty mug. “I'm going to du Trönmer. Like I said, I'm going to look-” Taron shook his head and cut in “The truth, tell me the truth. We don't tolerate liars here.” he said strongly.

Griffin looked down frowning. How on earth did this human knew so much. “I told you, my family needs-” “the truth.” Griff looked up, sending glared towards the man sitting opposite him. It was safe to say Taron was not happy.

“The kings men took something from me and my family. I need to get it back.” Taron leaned back, crossing his arms. “Wasna so hard now was it?” he didn't receive a reply.
Of course it was suspicious when a young lad was going to du Trönmer alone like that, and when it comes out that he is just following kings men it makes it all the more suspicious.

“I am going to du Trönmer in a weeks time. If you want to go there and actually make it there, wait until the village has been cleaned and is ready to live its life again.  I can show you the way.” Taron offered, surprising Griffin completely. Of course he wanted to go now and not waste a second, but he also needed someone to show him way.
The older of the two stood up “We don't have enough sleeping cots here, you can sleep in the barn, the nights are warm, you'll be fine. Besides, Dela would absolutely love to keep you warm. Oh, and leave your bag here.”

Hesitant and annoyed, Griffin placed his leather bag in the corner of the room. He knew where the barn was, but before he opened the door he peeked over his shoulder. “the soldiers who raided your village.” he started, noticing the way Tarons shoulders tensed. “did they have anything... Odd?” he held his breath, hoping that Kayla wasn't a witness to a raid.

“no, whatever they took from you, I'm pretty sure they didn't have it.” Griff nodded and stepped outside, the fresh air was relieving, clean.

He closed the door and turned towards the small and dark barn. There was enough room inside for him, he knew that. But he wasn't trusted enough to stay. Therefor he was only allowed to sleep in a barn for the time being.

He was annoyed, there was no doubt in that. Before he opened the creaky barn door a thought stopped him.

Who was Dela?

Griff opened the door slowly, darkness welcomed him with open arms as he took a step in the barn. A smell of hay reached his sensitive nose and he frowned, listening closely. Panting, someone was panting,  shuffling behind him made him turn on his heels.

A gigantic hairy dog jumped on two legs, nearly knocking Griff down. The dog licked his face, the long hairs tickling Griffs chin. “woah, easy there.” the dog was not growling or packing away. It seemed to search contact and friendship.
“Alright alright, get down, you stinky mutt.” Griff said under his breath. He closed the barn door, having no trouble seeing in the dark he climbed high in the hay pile and made a small place for himself to sleep.

He groaned when he felt the gigantic hairy dog laying down beside him, resting his chin on Griffs stomach.

Those humans sure were stupid if they got a dog like that to watch over their winter goods.

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