IV - Taron

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Griffin was picking apples that were scattered over the pathway

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Griffin was picking apples that were scattered over the pathway. Some were useless, mushy and stamped in mud. He felt annoyed wasting his time, helping humans. But as it came out, the soldiers had made two groups and Griffin had no idea where they were heading or which group had taken Kayla with them. He needed more information, more knowledge of his enemy. It seemed that this little village called Derpver knew, they just weren't keen on sharing. Griffin understood, he was an outlander after all. For all they knew he could've been a spy. So, he needed to make himself useful, perhaps after that he could ask again and they'd answer him truthfully.

His pack ached as sun glared down at him, sweat covered his forehead. The young man named Taron who had threatened him with a pitchfork earlier, had told him to help them out and talk after dinner.

Griffin was devastated, he was losing precious time. But he needed to know which way to go next. It seemed that no one else but Taron and his crazy uncle were brave enough to talk with him.

Taron and couple of other men had gone to the woods to catch all the animals that had been set loose during the raid. The small village was in ruins, it's only their luck it was spring and not autumn. There's no way they could've lived through winter like that.

Griffin picked up the wooden box half filled with apples and walked across the road towards a small, nearly collapsing barn. He placed it near the other goods that he had manage to save from the mud. No one had talked to him, all he had received were curious yet tired looks. There was no sound of exciting chatter or laughter of children. A cow walked by, being led by a young boy. Griffin grit his teeth but carried on working for place he didn't own, for people he didn't know.

Anger grew inside of his heart, he was riled up. Annoyed, he just wanted his little, innocent sister back. Falling into the lake hadn't been her fault, being different wasn't her fault. Kayla didn't deserve being in the hands of humans, men like them could do horrible things. He gave oath to the Lord of the Lords, to man who created world, he promised whoever had, is, or will hurt Kayla will be punished the most cruellest way possible.

A hand on his back made him react fiercely, he spun around and nearly punched the man square in the face. To his surprise Tarons refleces were nearly as good as his as he tucked, missing the hard hit only by inches.
Tarons green eyes narrowed, while Griffins blue ones widened in surprise.

He was ashamed, not for trying to hit him, for losing his focus. He hadn't sensed Taron approach him, that was dangerous.
He could never let his guard drop, not near humans. "come inside, it is getting late. We all have been up for a very long time and it's all we can do for today." it seemed like Taron wanted to say something more, but one look at his eyes was the answer Griffin was looking for.

He was going to keep a close eye at Griffin, he didn't trust him.

If Taron hadn't been human, Griffin would've almost respected him for being so cautious, almost.
Their house was located in the in between the village and the forest, it wasn't a nice home. But it looked warm and cosy, and most of all, it looked alive. There were cancels lit up inside, a goat was tied up near the house munching away the last pieces of hay. As Griffin neared the animal raised its dark chestnut head and stopped chewing. The goat packed away and tryed to tear herself from the ropes.

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