"Anyway, Hwiyoung-ssi, why don't you eat too?" Demi ignored you and asked Hwiyoung instead. "I don't bring my own lunch." He answered.

"I told you to go to the cafeteria but you didn't want to.... Here take my onigiri." You quickly took your chopstick out, trying to spoon-fed one of your small onigiri.

"Ahhh no need to (y/n)-ssi. I don't want you to get hungry." Hwiyoung replied back by making a 'no' sign with his arms. "Well, if you don't eat. I don't want to eat as well." You pouted at him.

After seeing you upset, Hwiyoung suddenly eat the small onigiri that was attached to your chopstick in just one bite. His thin cheek was filled with the onigiri, making it chubbier. You immediately let out a wide smile as he chewed them happily with his reddish face.

" at the second break time. I will give you a tour to the school canteen so you won't starve, ok? " You put out your pinky finger as a sign of promise. Hwiyoung looked at it confusedly, almost seemed like he didn't even know pinky promises

"It's a sign of promise!" You startled him. "Like this." You then wrapped your pinky finger within his, completing the promise. " ohh.... thank you (y/n)-ssi... " He blushed and gave you a smile again.

Not long after, the bell began to ring again, indicating the next lesson to start. The next subject was Biology, your not-so-hate and not-like lesson either. It went by as usual until the forty five minutes second break.

"Thank goodness she didn't give us any homework." Hwiyoung sighed. "Oh no worry, she is the kind of teacher who never give any homeworks or notes but suddenly a test...." You whispered to him a bit.

"Well that's explained why I didn't even write anything." He giggled. "Now, ready for some cafeteria tour??" You quickly stood up, followed by him. "Hahaha yes ma'am." He then replied back with a playful salute.

After that, both of you went to the cafeteria which was located on the highest level of the building. It was tiring to walk there since you barely even exercised. However, the situation weren't the same for Hwiyoung since he was an expert at Taekwondo.

Both of you then arrived at the cafeteria within five minutes stair walk. There were a lot of food stalls but you didn't really want to buy anything. Despite the reason that you had eaten before, your mom's cooking always tasted the best.

"If you ask me, every students in this school would definitely buy this." You showed him the famous jajangmyeon in school. "Hm, I'll try whatever you say." He smiled again, thus making you think that he must be a smiley person.

Both of you then stood in line, waiting to pay for the meal. "Hey!" Somebody suddenly tapped your shoulder, making you turned around to find your other best friend, Fabiola was also there.

You introduced Hwiyoung to her, thus making her said that he was handsome. Hearing the words "handsome" once again made you sure that half of the students literally fell for him. All had said it, whether by face to face or even whispering

After Hwiyoung got his jajangmyeon, you immediately went back to the class. You then opened up your lunch box which you hadn't finished yet it in the first break. On the other side, Hwiyoung was eating his own jajangmyeon happily.

"How is it? Is it good? Do you like it?" You asked him excitedly, expecting that he would say that it was good.

"Wow, slow down (y/n)-ssi, you're like a rapper." He let out a chuckle after seeing your curious face. "It's good. I really like it." He continued, thus making you sigh as a reply. You felt relieved that he didn't hate the menu you had picked for him.

"Here." Hwiyoung suddenly offered you his chopstick, filled with jajangmyeon to take a bite. "No, I already ate this a lot." You pointed at your bento.

"Well, if you won't eat, then I won't eat." He suddenly fake pouted, trying to remake your face from the onigiri conversation before. "Aish this friend of mine...." You said, before finally taking a bite from his chopsticks. Both of you continued to share foods until they're all finished.

The next lesson was physics. The lesson where you didn't hate but you just couldn't understand. You deeply hoped that Hwiyoung would understand it so that you could ask him for some help but it turned out that he didn't understand it either.

However, Demi and her seatmate was one of the best when it came to physics. Both of them then taught you and Hwiyoung until you understand. After doing some problems, the most awaited bell finally rang, indicating time for home.

"Finally!! It's time to go home!" You quickly collected your books and prepared to go home. "(y/n)-ssi, how about our english task?" Hwiyoung suddenly asked, thus making you remembered about it.

"Ahh! I forgot about that tasked already. Sorry." You hit your own head. "It's okay, do you want to do it today?" He asked again.

"What about my house? It's not that far from here though, probably like ten minutes." You began to look around, trying to calculate the closest duration time it took to your home from school. "Then, is it okay if we make it in your house?" He asked.

"Sure, but how about your house? Is it far from mine?" You felt worry due to his new presence on the neighborhood. You were afraid that his parents wouldn't allow him to go somewhere rather than home after school, especially if it was his first day.

" it's fine " He let out a smile. "Ok then, my house indeed!" Both of you then quickly headed downstairs to leave the school.

"Hwiyoung Hyung!!" On the way down, you suddenly heard someone screamed, thus making you turned around to find a small yet tall boy running towards the both of you.



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