Chapter 32: Omega

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    The arrow then slowly dissolves, until the toughest part of her life came. There were no signs of movements and breathing and she knew what happened. The guy she loved. . . no longer lived.

Tifa gasped as her eyes opened wide. Gripping her head, she thought it was all a twisted dream. But she still found herself sitting on the cold snowy ground making her feel so uncomfortable. She sighed, letting the hand holding the side of her head fall back down on her lap. Her dark brown hues looked back on the rushing waters, the ambient sound of it at least making her calm.

She shivered at the cold air that swept pass by. Finally, she managed to open her mouth and speak, yet she found her throat dry.

"I. . . I never thought this would happen," her voice faltered, "Thinking of those times. . . made me feel so. . . terrible." Tifa closed her mouth shut again and closed her eyes. Her hand crawled back up to her arm, as she pulled up her knees close to her.

"W-. . . Why did you have to die?" A heavy weight was laid upon her shoulders, she could tell. "Why did you have to run into that and. . . WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO GET HIT BY THAT ARROW?!" Her voice went louder than she expected, louder than a voice of wrath that echoed throughout the clearing.

She slammed down her fists on the grass, her teeth gritting so hard. "I wished. . . I had wished that your once selfish self would hopefully become a selfless act, and it did really happen. But you did it, YOU DID IT!" She cried, her hands now gripped tight on the grass. "And you did it just because. . . Just because of her. . ."

Her voice trailed off, and soon she found hiccups escaping her mouth. There was a short moment of silence, except for the sound of the waters below her.

"You really did love (Y/N). . . didn't you?" One of the last words she prophesied to tell him. And after taking a deep breath whilst looking one last time into the waters, she whispered her very last words to Cloud, "Was there a time. . . that you felt the same for me, before (Y/N) came into our lives?"


You closed the doors before the cold wind could get into the palace. Although it was still the first two days of winter, it seemed as if there would be a blizzard coming soon. You heaved a sigh, turning around and was about to ascend a couple of stairs and take a few turns to reach the round table where your fellow glaives would be waiting, but you took to a stop when you saw Noctis descending the main staircase.

Your eyes locked for a while before you broke the stare between the two of you. Holding your upper arm you looked down and avoided his gaze, walking past him but he suddenly took your wrist. You spun around, eyes growing wide into his half-lidded eyes. You swallowed, staring down at his hand holding your wrist.

"S-Sorry," he somehow noticed your reaction so he gently let go of your wrist, looking down that a few locks of his hair fell and blocked the expression on his face.

"What finds you here?" You asked, trying to avoid the awkward silence filling the vast room. You could see only his dark hair, since the lights were dim and the shadows leaked out from each corner.

Noctis blinked, hesitating to turn up his head but eventually his eyes settled again on yours, "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? What finds you here?"

There was another moment of awkward silence and you felt like your guts were about to explode. The uneasy feeling you had was something you hated. But even if you were running on an errand and you had to meet up with Nyx and the rest of the glaives, you felt the need of company.

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