Chapter 12: Fighting the Draconian

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"Thank you for bringing us here," you made a nod towards the dragon.

"Indeed." He spoke and bowed, then flew upwards away. All four of you stepped on a golden floor, the sunlight reached out to the heavens.

"This doesn't seem like the sun," you said out of curiosity. A palace stood there made of gold. Light was everywhere. "This looks like heaven."

"Not really, this is where we'll fight the King of Dragons," Lightning drew her sword as Noel and Yeul drew their weapons. You accidentally summoned a Buster sword, realizing it was similar to one Cloud has. You swallowed and tried not to feel down, trying to push him aside from your mind. "The Draconian is godly." Lightning spoke.

You stopped. Godly. Was she talking about Bahamut? A while ago, the dragon which was one of Bahamut's warriors. But why didn't it seem like it was the dwelling of the dragon??

All of a sudden, a high pitched voice echoed from nowhere. A very enormous dragon broke out from the palace, landing on the ground growling.

"You're... Bahamut—" you said but the Draconian growled and stomped its feet, you quickly stepped back, slightly afraid of its large claws that could rip anything apart.

"This is the someone I've been talking about," Noel gritted his teeth. "CHARGE!" The three of them charged, as you stood there speechless. You didn't know what to do. The Astral god was way too powerful to be defeated. But then how could they possibly defeat Bahamut for several times since they got into this level?

You stared at the Buster sword you held. Like they said, it was the weakest sword. You made the sword vanish, closing your eyes. "SO YOU'RE NOT HELPING HUH?!" Lightning shouted as she flew around the god, trying to cut its wings off. But Bahamut was too strong.

Shiva won't work. The voice suddenly butted in. You gritted your teeth.

Stop messing with me and I know what I'm doing!! You thought back furiously and tried to push voice's thoughts aside. Unbelievably, it didn't answer anymore. You breathed deeply and closed your eyes shut. Ramuh. Help us. You thought. Without a moment's pause, white dots appeared, the bright lights dimmed, and suddenly high up in the sky hovered an astral god Ramuh, the Fulgurian. The god of lightning.

"GUYS! STAY OUT OF BAHAMUT!!" You shouted. The three looked cluelessly at you but followed you. You all stood meters away from the Draconian, watching Ramuh holding his spear that transformed into a cylindrical sharp lightning. Bahamut rose and flew upwards, charging towards the Fulgurian.

"I can't believe the Healer could summon any of us!" Bahamut spoke in a language you could understand, but the other three didn't. Ramuh furrowed his eyebrows and darted his eyes on you before attacking towards Bahamut. In a few seconds, everything exploded. A mix of light and lightning occurred and flashed across the sky.

A cry of defeat was heard. In the blink of an eye Bahamut was falling from the sky, electricity was left on his body. He dropped against the ground that let the ground shake for a while. You glanced upwards to Ramuh, the god had disappeared.

Even the strongest could be defeated, as long as the weakest has its own strength and faith. You thought.

"That was... h-how on earth did another god appear?" Noel asked in shock. "This never happened!"

"Only unless you, (Y/N), has summoned an astral god." Lightning said. You swallowed. You actually summoned an astral.

"Yeah..." You looked down, a little nervous. They were all staring at you now. "It's the second time... I summoned the Glacian last midnight before dawn."

"You mean Shiva? The goddess of snow?" Yeul asked.

You nodded. "I really don't know why and how can I summon them. I can even summon Bahamut," you glanced at the wounded astral. It would wake up soon and heal itself. "Now let's go. So are we near the last trial yet?"

"Actually," Lightning said. "We've already passed the last trial."

"What?" You asked in shock and surprise.

"Bahamut. Is the last trial. We never defeated the god before. And now, you came. And it's all because of you. I guess the four of us survived. Thanks to you."

"(Y/N), thank you," Noel and Yeul sets their hands on yours.

All four of you suddenly fainted, blacking out.

~ ~ ~

The crowd cheered, the echoes and howls were everywhere. You finally opened your eyes and watched the crowd cheering for you. You looked to the right seeing Lightning, Noel and Yeul waking up from their temporary sleep. That's it. You finally survived. You won the game. Looking through the crowd, at the high balcony stood Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent.

And with them was Noctis Lucis Caelum, the Crown Prince. He stared straightly at you. You averted, like what you did before in the first trial when he glanced at you.


The crowd kept cheering.

Finally... there's Cloud and Tifa, watching over you. Don't worry (Y/N). The voice said. You glanced at Noctis again, he was still staring at you. You'll see your family again.

They're... they're not my family... You looked down. They're... already a part of my life...

In that case... will you ... look at me now?

Your eyes widened. Voice..well then... where are you??

I'm looking at you now.

You glanced towards the high balcony, realizing who the voice was. Slowly, Noctis, nods his head to you.

I am, the voice you're with for a long time. He mouthed.

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