Chapter 6: Etro's Blessing

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I've come to realize after a year that this chapter is goddamn silly so I had to add a scene with Cloud. That would be great, wouldn't it?

Everything was shaking.


"What's happening?!" They asked. You swallowed, not knowing what to do.

Find, your own destiny. The voice once again spoke inside your head. You felt your stomach churning, looking hopelessly towards the endless galaxy. The moment when you felt sweat trickling down your face made you feel nervous.

The galaxy continued to shake, harder and harder. Eerie noises went louder, almost deafening your ears.

"Lightning... What's going on?!" You asked, frightened of the chaos happening infront of all of you.

"These strange noises..." She whispered, grabbing and holding on tight to the grip of her sword. "Are...."

You waited. You waited for an answer.

The noises, suddenly stopped. You gasped. The galaxy emerged. Your eyes widened when a dull swirl came to your senses, making you dizzy. And all that were there were full darkness, pitch black spreading to your eyes.

You saw nothing, but darkness.

You felt the presence of evilness in it. The noises came back again. You shivered to the noises. It felt like they'd been poisoning your mind, giving you pain and fear. "Ugh..crap.." You groaned, holding your head.

"(Y/N)!" You heard Noel's voice looking for you. But it was impossible for him to see you, even the others. You felt hopeless. "Agh!" You screamed, a pang of pain hit your head over and over.

"(Y/N)!" Noel shouted again and again, until it faded slowly... "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!!"

"AGHHHH!" You screamed at the pain. Why is this with my mind?!?? You thought.

"STOP IT!!!!" You shrieked, more pain hitting your head. You clenched your fists, suddenly kneeling down. You felt your hand pressed on the ground.

"MAKE IT STOP!" You screamed, putting your hand away from the ground. You touched your hand, feeling liquid pouring out of it.

Blood. You thought.

You slowly touched the ground, and felt sharp objects on it. As if it were broken pieces of glass. "Where am I?" You whispered, shutting your eyes close, feeling hopeless.

Silence went over.


You immediately opened your eyes.

The voice.

"Y-...You..." Tears rolled out of your eyes. "Why..."

Why? It asked in a confused tone.

"Why..." You clenched your fists. "WHY?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!? WHY?!?!!"

I'm sorry, but I don't understand why would you scream in an eternal darkness. It answered.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND?! YOU KNOW?!" You screamed more, standing up and staring at the darkness. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! YOU'RE THE REASON WHY I AM HERE, SUFFERING FROM THIS NONSENSE!!!!"

The pain hit back again and again. You shrieked several times, trying to ease the pain. "STOP!!! STOP MESSING WITH ME!!!!"

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