Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

His name was Lucien.

The man introduced himself to the girls after the visitors had left. Alison was at a loss for words but it was Samantha he seemed to connect with. It took him awhile to warm up. But after listening to their story of what had already happened that night, his interest was peaked.
Samantha was surprised at how easily her story came when talking to him. At first, he seemed standoffish, and certainly intimidating by the way he spoke to the intruders.
The evening had rapidly gotten dark and his clear eyes softened in expression and sympathy as she spoke. She was babbling on to someone she had just met and who was probably trying to mind his own business and just walk his dog in peace.

Samantha felt a wave of relief just by meeting this stranger this evening. Something washed over her nerves and she just felt safe. She had always considered herself an empath, and could pick up and feel the emotions of others. Lucien was harmless and kind despite seeming distant at first.

Meanwhile, Allison was filling the tank, appearing restless and clearly wanted to go home.

Samantha had already forgotten all about Aaron.

They asked Lucien where he lived,
“I'm over at the University Apartments.”

There was that displaced accent again, as he motioned towards campus.

“But my friend lives a block down this road he motioned in the opposite direction from the campus. I am walking her dog for her, it's sort of a nightly ritual.

Her? Samantha wondered why he was walking her dog.  What was she doing? Why wasn’t she walking her own dog? Who was she?  But all of these questions remained in Samantha’s head where they belonged, for now...

Lucien went on to explain that he was a graduate and a University TA working for a professor. 

The conversation was cathartic but short lived as it was late and they offered to drive him home but he refused and said that this was his ritual with Gracie was each night weather permitting. And his car was back at the friend’s house anyway.  Samantha was hoping to run into him again and as they went their separate ways, she thought she saw the smallest suggestion of a smile play on his lips.

The girls got in the car and only then realized how exhausted they were until they started back to the house. Allison was even too tired to make fun of Samantha for flirting with Lucien for so long.

They said good night on the first landing where Alison room was.  Samantha's legs felt like lead as she climbed the narrow staircase with her bags.  And poor Allison was yawning and rubbing her eyes.

They heard a make voice coming from Anna's room. The girls looked at each other. Then a giggle. A guy’s voice?

“She’s got a boyfriend? Now way!” Alison whispered.

“I doubt that!” Samantha was uncharacteristically harsh.

That was all it took.

After the tension of the journey back they both needed a good long chuckle over nothing. It was really a release from the fatigue and fear from the events of the night…
But both girls fell into a giggling fit. The kind where you feel like you can't breathe or stand up straight.
Tears were streaming from their eyes.

“What shhh…” Allison made a motion to listen and pointed
to the door.

It was mean. They were making fun of Anna. But the polarities in the house had been established the moment Anna showed signs of allegiance with Mrs. Goodwin and the secret of the creepy visitors.
Alison and Samantha had bonded over being the tenants not ‘in the loop’. And Anna kept to herself and seemed to know more about the house than she let on. But she had been kind to both of them, although reclusive.

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