What Happened?

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Srry for the reaaallllyy long wait I haven't had much inspiration and I have a lot on my plate.

Keith woke up to a room full of space posters and emo rock bands. Where was he? A loud roar erupted from what sounded like down below him and he sprang into action. He raced out the door and ran down the stairs, almost falling off in the hurry he was in.

Once at the bottom he entered the room he thought it came from and positioned for a fight. He was very confused at seeing his dad hopping on one foot in what he supposed was the living room. He relaxed slightly but was very confused. Wait, where am I and how is dad here? He thought to himself.

A second later his mom Krolia ran into the room and consoled his father.

"What is happening?" He asked out loud to himself. Although, he didn't realize he had stated his thoughts.

"Your father stubbed his toe on the coffee table," his mother answered but rolled her eyes, "again."

That didn't answer Keiths question, what happened??? Krolia quickly went to the freezer in the open kitchen and grabbed an ice pack, throwing it at his father. Without wasting anymore time she pushed Keith into the bathroom, yelling,

"Better hurry or you're gonna be late for school today Keith!" He didn't know what was happening but he liked going to school, said no one ever, he thought. Nonetheless he brushed his teeth and showered. His breakfast consisted of a handful of Cheerilols stuffed into his mouth, he didn't need no milk.

He stepped outside and onto the porch. The sky was as blue as could be, only a few clouds blocking the view. Breathing fresh air the wind flowed through his hair, and he basked in the suns warmth. How long has it been since he's been to earth? He didn't miss it much since there was nothing there for him, but the cool breeze was better than the sterilized air of the castle.

Once he was done admiring the beauty of nature, he started to panic as thoughts ran through his head. Where am I? I thought I died?! Did I die? Is this heaven? I want to find the gang if they're here.... only if it's not heaven. God what am I doing?

As he continued to panic internally, the bus came and opened its doors. When he finally noticed it he ran on and found the seat farthest from the rest of the kids, which wasn't that far but whatever. He was engulfed in his thoughts until a gentle tap on his shoulder brought him out. When he turned around he saw..... Lance.

He found himself drowning in the orbs filled with the ocean. The snow white teeth that glistened while he smiled. He forgot how beautiful Lance actually was..... it was breathtaking. Lance was talking to him..... wait Lance was talking!

"So yeah dude, what's up? You looked like you were about to lose your shit there! And why are you staring at me like that? It's creepy dude!" Keith was apparently staring at him the whole time..... and? Weren't they dating? Why was it a big deal if he stared?

     "Am I not allowed to look at you now?" Keith said with a bit too much attitude. Lance looked taken aback but decided to sit next to him anyway.

     "It's not that, I'm just confused, you've never done that before. Not that I know of. It just shocked me." Lance was getting too close and Keith wanted something familiar, anything. So he closed the gap between their lips, and kissed him.

Srry if it sucked but I wanted to continue cuz everyone is awesome and when I update watch out for a doctor who reference!!! Love yas!!

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