Chapter 9: Miss Me, Mr. Holmes?

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"You couldn't kill me if you tried for a hundred years."


Moriarty looked up at the new man interrogating him. He was tall. Muscular. Thin. He could easily break James' arm if he wanted to. Yet, like the other man, he was on the shallow end of the IQ pool. James was having fun with this one.

"I-I..." The man stuttered, unable to answer James' confusing riddle. James had made up some lie of how "whoever solves this riddle will find my criminal plans". Yeah, right. It was all ridiculous. The actual answer to the riddle was an inside joke Beth and him had come up with years prior. Yet it was fun to see his interrogator squirm. And he was close to getting him to break.

"Is it... In a park?" The interrogator was rubbing the back of his neck.

Nervous. James thought. Of course this man was nervous. James had just given him an impossible riddle. One that, according to the lie, would allow this man to find out his "secrets" and rise through the ranks of his job.

No chance in hell of that, either.  Yet James smirked at this man's answer. But he made it look cautious. As if to say, "Oh no. You figured me out!"

The man suddenly looked giddy, "It's in the park, isn't it! Don't you live near a park?!"

"... Yes." Another tedious lie. Sure, he had lived near a park. It was 15 miles away from him. But that was before he had moved into the flat he had now. Married Beth.

"Ah, yes! I outsmarted you! I outsmarted the genius James Moriarty!"

James faked a frown, avoiding eye contact. If he played his cards right, he could get himself and Beth out of here by the afternoon. He watched as the man bolted out of the door to his cell, screaming the name of a park and demanding something that sounded like "Search all the trees!"


James knocked on the wall separating him and Beth.

"Yeah?" It was weird how Beth could sound so casual through all of this. He could hear her surprisingly cheery voice through the wall.

"If someone comes into your room, say that there is a stash of plans in the park near the old flat."

"Why?" He could imagine her now. Maybe she was filing her nails against the concrete wall. Making sure they were sharp enough to scratch people if need be.

"We might be getting out of here."


A man burst into Beth's cell. He was panting, waving a finger at her face, near screaming, "Do you know anything about where your husbands plans are?!"

Ah, yes. So this was what James had been talking about. She looked at the man. He was trying his best to be intimidating. To scare her.

She played along. "Y-Yes...." she whimpered.

He smirked, yelling, "Where?!"

Flinching at his "frightening" voice, she said, "I-It's in a log in a park near one of his flats! That's all I know, I swear!"

Within three hours, they were both blindfolded, thrown into a car, and delivered to their flat where Sebastian was, safe and sound.


Two days later, Sherlock Holmes unlocked his flat, walking in with his usual bored frown.

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