"I know. But the last time we took a chance like this it changed everything. Rick did not agree with me then and he won't now but eventually he will" said Michonne.

Then we walked off. I am with her. If we do this it might have a good outcome.

"Jesus and the other have been scavenging and we are still starving. Maybe this person does have something that would help" said Maggie.

I am glad she is being open minded about this. It could be something wonderful.

"I am coming with you" said Enid.

Then we all started to gear up and go. I hope this is real. We could use the extra help around here. I went in and kissed Colleen goodbye and headed out.

We finally got here. It was a van with a blonde woman and two guys. She looked ok. I really don't know what to say. She looked very clean and well token care of too. We have come so far for this to be a trick.

"I am Georgie. These are my friends Hilda and Mige. Suspicious but curious enough to see what I have to offer for only food and music. I do hope the records are music  I don't except spoken word. If you are out here you are strong enough to survive on your own and I like that. I am not going to share this with the weak" she said.

"Good" said Maggie.

So far she is cool. I like her kinda. Rosita has a gun to her and so does Enid. I don't see the point but I go along with them. The two people with her get checked and then Georgie next.

"None on me" she said.

"Give is what you have" said Maggie.

"I am afraid I can not do that. I come baring knowledge primarily in my head and I prefer to keep that where it is" said Georgie.

"Your trading knowledge" I asked.

"That's what I have. I made the same offer before. Fill the crates get the knowledge that's it. It's not a trick" said Georgie.

Man. This woman is talking like a mad person. Maybe Maggie was right about going out here.

"Why would you do that" asked Maggie.

"What else would I do" said Georgie.

"Rosita" said Maggie.

Rosita searched the van. Georgie did not like that.

"What is in there is not apart of the deal" said Georgie.

"There is no deal" said Maggie.

"How many communities have you found" asked Rosita.

"Communities like yours? Not many. I am not one for a long time. What you have is special and unusual. The dead bring out the best and the worst and the worst is outlasting the best. It won't last forever" said Georgie.

It sounds like she has maybe run into or herd of Negan.

"It won't" said one of her people.

"If perhaps people can believe in people. Four crates of goods is worth far less that a sustainable future and an exercise is trust. I know trust just sounds like a mad up word like flibberslabby" said Georgie.

"Or clumps"

"Or moisture"

Ok. That last one got me giving this guy a dirty look.

"Just stop. This is not real. There is no way people survive going around doing what you are doing" said Enid.

"But we do. I can devine that you are a fine group" said Georgie.

"Take the deal" said Michonne.

"No. These people and their van are coming back to hilltop with us" said Maggie.

We loaded them up and now we are on our way back to hilltop. This was a waste of a trip to me. I hope it gets better from here.

When we got back I went in and grabbed Colleen and walked back out. I barley got to see her today. I walked in to see what Michonne and Maggie were talking about.

"We should let them go and take the deal before the saviors come" said Michonne.

I walked in and stood next my my sister with Colleen in my arms.

"No. Did you see what they have in that van. They have crates of food in there. I can't just let that go. I have to many mouths to feed" said Maggie.

"Maggie is right. We take their stuff. Or someone else would. Someone else might kill them. The saviors are on their way. We are going to fight and some of us are going to die so by should we give a shit about them who don't give a shit about us. Out there living like that. We go out there and take there stuff"said Enid.

"Carl rescued Sedeck and now we have a doctor and we have a friend" I said.

Michonne took the gun away from Enid.

"Carl was brave" said Michonne.

"And now he is dead" said Enid.

That sent me over. I handed Colleen to Maggie and I walked off crying. I can't believe she said that. After all that has happened.

I finally was done crying. Maggie handed me Colleen and then she grabbed a crate of records. We walked out to the van people.

"No spoken word" asked Georgie.

"We are agreeing to you deal. Four crates. Take it and go" said Maggie.

"Alright but I am changing the terms of the deal. This one no more. You can also have a sizable portion of my food stores. Form the looks of things around here you need it more than we do" said Georgie.

"Your giving us food? In exchange for what" asked Maggie.

"Records and good faith. To be clear this is not a girl. This is marter. I will be back. I expect great things. Here is the form mention for a new future. There are plans for a lot of things" said Georgie.

"Thank you" said Maggie.

"I expect the other crates to be filled up by the time I come back" said Georgie.

"We will see what we can do" said Maggie.

Then they got in their van and left. I knew something good was going to come out of her. Now we have to prepare sod the saviors. This going to be one long fight.

Trying to survive sequal to Farmers Daughter (A Daryl Dixion Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora