Chapter 2: A Gathering

Start from the beginning

"You'd think after a month that they wouldn't be this way in the morning," called Lillie's voice brightly. She emerged from the cabin, her pink backpack slung over her shoulders as she smiled. A month had done Lillie the most good of all. Refusing to let what her mother had done get to her, Lillie had truly grown in leaps and bounds, evidenced by Komala resting comfortably on her head. She raised a hand upwards and Serena caught sight of the glittering Z-Ring on her wrist. The honey blonde grinned at it.

"You'd think, but I'm not sure Team Rocket can ever change," Serena giggled out. Lillie was finally fully out on the deck, staring across the water as she stretched her hands upward. She turned back to her bag.

"We're almost home, Nebby," she spoke fondly. No response came, but Lillie didn't let her smile drop. Instead, it transferred into a look of determination. She hadn't expected one, Serena knew, but it was the exact reason they could now see the floating island on the horizon. "It'll be good to see everyone."

"Yes! We can finally snag...I mean, see Pikachu again," Meowth said, rubbing his paws together. Serena rolled her eyes at his rather obvious slip.

Serena said nothing to all of their joyful expressions at reuniting with the others. She, too, felt ready to see them all again. A month apart made her long for her family not tied by blood more than usual. While she had spoken with Clemont once or twice when he seemed to have information that she was looking for through his research, Bonnie was pretty much off the radar. Only snippets of her, Lionel and Greninja were ever heard of. Nor had Serena heard from Ash, but somehow, she expected that and wasn't worried. Serena was all too happy and ready to see him again.

"Land ahoy!" James finally said, shaking his lethargy away in the sea breeze. Serena stood next to Lillie and looked up to the Foundation that was now approaching quickly. It really had been too long. Looking towards the manmade island, Serena could still see the wrecked places where Latias had obliterated the cannons. They were nicely covered up, but to those who knew, it was very obvious what had happened.

At the very least, this time they weren't attempting to assault them so violently.

"Look, Komala, we're nearly at the Foundation," Lillie pointed out, reaching up to pat her Pokémon on the head. Komala yawned, but still didn't wake up, though Lillie accepted it as acknowledgement. The boat began to slow, drawing into the harbor. Serena walked forward, up to the railing, and looked out. Someone was standing there, clearly waiting for them and their arrival in the midst of all the activity there. "Ah! Miss Wicke! We're back!"

"Welcome back, Mistress Lillie!" Wicke's voice called out. Serena also raised her hand and waved to the portly woman that was smiling up at them all kindly. "And you, as well, Miss Serena. I trust you've been well the last month."

"What are we, chopped liver?" Jessie demanded. No one acknowledged her, though James patted her kindly on the back. At long last, the boat slowed itself to a stop and the ramp instantly expanded, touching down upon the harbor. Looking around, Serena noticed that theirs was the only boat that was in the harbor at the moment. Lillie was ahead of her now, running down the ramp with enthusiasm. Serena shook her head and followed after. Seeing Lillie smile gave her hope.

"Are we the first ones back, Miss Wicke?" she asked. The woman was currently caught up in a hug from Lillie, but once the blonde had separated and taken Komala into her arms, the older woman finally answered.

"So, it would seem; though I don't believe Clemont's group will be arriving. He called Master Gladion earlier," Wicke informed them. Serena nodded, accepting this piece of information. On the other hand, Lillie was pouting just a bit and Serena had more than a fair idea as to why she was, but decided to not act like Bonnie and tease her mercilessly about it. "Speaking of, the young master is waiting for you all on the upper level."

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