Chapter 16

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I have been with Thomas and Dylan for a month. I should be back in New York working on my college campus, or having an internship at a book publishers. But, instead I'm sitting on Thomas's front porch, at midnight crying.

I wiped the tears off my cheeks as the boards on the porch creaked and a jacket was placed around my shoulders. Thomas sat down next to me and pressed his shoulder against mine.

"Why are you sitting out in the cold, in just a t-shirt and shorts?" He asked and lead forward. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw that I was crying. He place his hand on mine and said, "What's wrong? Do you need pads? I can run in and get you them."

"No. No, it's not that. It's me. It's stupid really. I'll be fine." I said and rubbed the tears off my cheeks.

He moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and his other held my hands. His breath fanned across my cheek as he began to rub my shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it? Contrary to unpopular opinion, I am a really good listener."

"It's nothing. I just couldn't sleep. It's the anniversary of my mother's death. She killed herself three years ago, almost a year after my father died." I said as new tears streamed down my cheeks. "Every year on this day, on her and my dad's birthday, my dad's death, I can't sleep. I just cry."

He pulled me closer to himself and rested his head on my shoulder. He was warm and I leaned closer to him. His hand continued to rub my back and the tears stopped.

"I was close to both my parents, being an only child. My parents were all I had. I didn't even walk at my high school graduation because I was in the hospital." I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut, to stop the tears. "My Mom killed herself two days before graduation and I was in the hospital with a serve panic attack. They were all I had. I wanted to give up then."

Thomas wrapped me in his arms and kissed my forehead. He began to rock back and forth and the heat from his hands and body, spread throughout my body.

"I'm sorry. I did not realize that is what happened to your parents. I did not realize they were dead. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how you must feel."

He pulled me closer and kissed my cheek as rain started to fall. He pulled me up and into the house and we sat on the couch. A cover was place on me and Thomas sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I rearranged the blanket so it covered him too.

"Go to sleep." He said kissing my forehead.

I stepped out of the shower and began to towel dry my hair. I then slipped into my pajamas, which was a pair of Nike shorts and a dark blue tank top. As I left the bathroom and headed down the stairs, Dylan began to swear.

Dylan sat in the living room playing some war game and had just gotten killed. Thomas was not in the room so I asked Dylan where he was. I was answered with silence so I walked to the kitchen to get a drink.

Thomas sat at the table on his laptop. He placed his phone down on the table as I walked in and he smiled at me. I ducked my head as a blush crept to my cheeks, and I walked over to him.

"Thomas I have a question."

"Do you need pads?

"No. I told you that last night. I'm on birth control. I have an implant, so I won't have my period for awhile."

He nodded his head and had a thoughtful look in his eyes, as he looked me up and down. I glared at him and he laughed.

"What do you need?"

"Umm." I pushed hair out of my face, as he looked at me. "Never mind. You're busy." I said and turned away.

He stopped me by grabbing my wrist and closed his laptop with his other hand. He turned me back around and gently pulled me towards him. Once I stood in front of him, he turned in his seat and placed his hands on my waist.

"What do you need?"

"I was wondering if I gave you a book title if you or Dylan could go in tomorrow and get it?"

"Yeah. That's fine. I could ran in and get you some books." He turned in his seat and grabbed a pen and pad. "Here write the titles down."

I wrote down five titles and gave him the notepad. He ripped the paper off the pad and he lead me towards the staircase. He put the paper in his leather jacket pocket, then lead me upstairs. Dylan swore again as we walked into my room.

"It's late. I'll go tell Dylan to be quite."

He pressed his lips against mine. Again it was a quick kiss then he turned and left the room. Why does he keep doing that? He doesn't give me time to kiss back.

Do I want to kiss him back? Am I sympathizing with my kidnapper?

I sat on my bed and ran my fingers through my hair. Thomas has never laid a hand on me since I got here. I'm free to do whatever I want, just can't go into town. I have even been granted to jog in the woods by myself, just have to keep the house insight if anything goes wrong. I have food, a bed, and clean clothes.

I shook my head and laid down and stared at the ceiling. What is Thomas doing to me?

I fell asleep thinking of Thomas and his lips.

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