Chapter 3

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"We should go clubbing." Kevin said flopping down on the couch next to me.

Luke rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone. Kevin shook my arm and pleaded with me to go with him. I looked over at Luke who wasn't paying attention.

"Sure I'll go clubbing." I said and Kevin jumped up cheering.

"You don't like clubbing." Luke said not even glancing up from his phone.

'He doesn't deserve you. You need someone who will pay attention to you.' Thomas's words filled my head and I could feel the ghost of his lips on my ear.

'I'll show you what a real boyfriend would do if they had you. You should be appreciated not ignored.'

"Come on Luke." I said and sat on his lap and tried to kiss him.

He leaned away and glanced at Kevin who was not paying attention to us because he was talking to himself. Luke kissed my cheek and push me off and stood up.

"Fine let's go."

Once we arrived at the club I grabbed Luke's hand and dragged him to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself against him. I began to grind against him and his hands went to my hips. My lips brushed his as he pushed me away.

"Do you want to put my coat on?" He asked looking at me dress.

I wore a black strapless dress the fell to the tops of my thighs. I did have fishnet stockings on but they got caught on Kevin's car and ripped.

"Why won't you kiss me or dance with me!" I yelled.

I don't know if I yelled because I was mad or because of the loud music. I was beginning to believe everything Thomas said about Luke. Which made me mad because I didn't want to believe it.

"Were in public. That's weird and I don't like being stared at."

"I need a drink." I said and dropped my hands from his neck and push my way through the crowd.

Once at the bar I realized Luke had my money in his pocket. I sagged against the bar and put my head in my hands. I tried not to cry and realized Thomas was right. The creepy shit-head that stalked me back to the apartment. That's the only thing I could reason on how he found me.

'The red head that won't even hold your hand in public is your boyfriend? If I had you I'd do anything to make people know you're mine.' I sighed and
willed myself not to cry. I hated the fact that Thomas, was right and he didn't even know Luke or I.

"Two shots." A voice said and a body pressed against mine.

The voice. The voice that has been in my head all day since I opened that door. The creepy guy from the coffee shop.

I lifted my head and he was smirking at me. He was still dressed in all black. But this time his hood was down and I could see his sandy blond hair. He leaned in closer to me as the bartender sat the shots down in front of him.

"Looks like you need a drink." He said and passed a glass to me.

I stepped away from him but he grabbed my waist. The smirk left his face and he looked worried. Worried? Why is he worried?

"You came to the bar to get a drink. Here you go." He lifted the glass and held it between us.

"How'd you know that I needed at drink?" I asked looking at the glass.

"Most people get a drink when they come to a bar." He said and chuckled.

His chuckle angered me so I took the glass from him and threw my head back and downed the shot. I slammed the glass on the bar and took his hands off my hips. But he just put them right back.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked pressing himself closer to me.

He no longer smelled of tea but now he smelled of whiskey and smoke. The smell of the smoke made me sick because he was so close.

"No. My boyfriend is here and you smell of smoke and it's going to make me puke." I said pushing him away.

"Your boyfriend won't even but his arms around you let only kiss you. I'm sorry about the smoke my friends were smoking. Come on it's just one dance." He said and his lips brushed against my cheekbone.

His lips caused a tingling that I never felt before.

"Hey that's enough. Let her go." Kevin said and shoved Thomas into the bar. "The lady said no. So leave her alone."

Kevin grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side. Thomas was angry as he straightened his shirt and glared at Kevin.

"I wasn't hurting her. Just wanted a dance. She wants"

"Just leave her alone."

Kevin pulled me to the dance floor and pushed his way through shouting for Luke. We found Luke at a booth talking to some girls.

'You need someone who will pay attention to you. Not one who has his arm around you, but looks at the waitress who is serving tea.'

Kevin grabbed Luke and we left the club and went back to the apartment. Kevin never mentioned Thomas to Luke. He just kept asking if I was ok and Luke never asked why I wouldn't be ok.

'I know you can do better.'

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