Part 23: Together

Start from the beginning

Leia smiles, leaning back in her chair once more, although her interest in the recent matter is not yet over.

"Kylo is alright and recovering. We have already spoken." Leia reaches forwards and pats your hand.

You frown.

"He is awake?"

Leia widens her eyes, lifting her hand once more.

"Of course you can see him, I just wanted to speak with you first..." She smiles but you continue to frown.

"How soon can I see him?" You watch Leia, upset that she withheld the fact Kylo was awake from you, upset that you hadn't asked sooner.

"You can go right now, I believe I have heard all there is to know." Leia looks apologetically towards you.

You nod at her but stand up abruptly, managing to keep your balance.

"I shall fetch someone to take you there." Leia also stands, eyeing your stance.

She walks over to a control desk embedded in the wall and types out a quick message.

She walks back over to you and places her hand on your arm.

"I am proud of you, Y/N. You did well." She looks into your eyes earnestly.

You wonder how much she knows, you left out the deaths of the innocents, not wanting to repeat it for fear of how detached you were starting to feel to it all. Fear that Leia would see that something was wrong with you for how could you not feel after that?

She continued to stare and you stared back, thoughts running through your mind quicker than you could process.

Did she know?

Leia squeezes your arm gently and drops her hand, leading you towards the door.

The door opens and a familiar face stands, leaning against the opposite wall. Upon seeing Leia he quickly pushes himself off the wall and strides over, showing his teeth once more in a cheeky grin.

"General Organa." He bows slightly and then turns to you.

"Y/N." He tips his hat.

Leia rolls her eyes good-naturedly.

"Lieutenant James, you are not who I called." She smiles at him anyway and he grins, leaning against the door with his arm up against the frame.

"I'm terribly sorry, he happened to be busy so I volunteered." He leans closer. "Between you and me, he doesn't seem like the hardest of workers."

Leia crosses her arms.

"Is that so... For the he I called actually happened to be a she." Lieutenant James' smile stays plastered on, yet he turns to you with his arm outstretched.

"We had best be going then!" Lieutenant James calls behind him and drags you along down the hall.

Your previous fears forgotten you happily skip alongside him, giggling and managing not to cough.

"I believe as I am now calling you Y/N, you need something with a better thing to it than Lieutenant James." He turns to you suddenly, taking off his cap once more and running his hand through his short hair. "Tyler James, at your service. Please, call me Tyler." He extends his free hand to you and you shake it, smiling at him.

"Why thank you, Tyler." He inclines his head to you.

"Now, I believe you are to be meeting a special someone, and he is right through that door behind you." He points over you, resting his arm on your shoulder.

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