Prince Andronikos

Start from the beginning

He has the horns of a nightwing, but the wings and general physique of a skywing. His torso scales are a dark red while his wings are blood red. He has piercing blue eyes and unnaturally sharp teeth. His front talons are not made of nail, but steel (see backstory). He wears steel bracers on his front and hind legs, as well as a steel outfitting which covers the base of his neck and the top of his torso (it's similar to clothing, but not quite).

I love his appearance, it's logical and I really like it. It's unique.

Queen they Support: Andronikos serves no queen, if things went his way, they would bow to him. Rather than the other way around.


Personality: Andronikos is fundamentally Machiavellian


Ok y'know what? I'm stealing that as a name for a NightWing

He is cold and brutally practical in his operations. He is not cruel, unless cruelty would serve his purposes. His one goal in life is to become the ultimate ruler of Pyrrhia, or as close as he can to that. He is not without a conscience, but he sets it aside when dealing with others.

Andronikos is not someone to be trifled with, he wants power, and won't let anything stop him. Ultimately, if you are his ally, then only good things may come of it. If you are his enemy, then your death or ultimate ruin is not an IF, but a WHEN. Andronikos believes in recompense for work well done. So if someone helps him, he will repay the favor.

I like it. You could go more into detail with it, but it's good.


Andronikos was born of two members of Royalty:

Prince Skyslicer of the Skywings and Princess Shadewalker of the Nightwings.

I've already mentioned my opinion of the names.

These two met during a diplomatic meeting and almost instantly fell in love. They quickly fled their respective kingdoms to enjoy their love together. Eventually a single son was born of their relationship: Andronikos.

How would a SkyWing and a NightWing fall in love? Aren't both of them grouchy and don't both tribes hate all tribes except for their own? How would they fall in love at all? This is extremely unlikely, and to top it all off it's rushed and they "instantly" fell in love. It's a SkyWing and a NightWing. They wouldn't immediately fall in love; there has to be some developing here.

At the very least, make them meet each other and become friends first. Like, they accidentally bumped into each other in the halls and became really good friends, and then one invited the other to meet at night.

They met at night for weeks/days, and they fell in love. One of them confessed and the other returned the feelings, and decided to run away together.

It was at this time that a group of icewings attacked,

Why did they attack? Is there a war going on between them or something?

hoping to kidnap the two nobles and hold them for ransom. However both parents fought back against them and were slain. The icewings sought instead to take the dragonet with them.

It was at this moment that they were slain by a creature that called itself "Soveliss."

Soveliss saved Andronikos, and adopted him, of sorts. The creature taught Andronikos how to use his nightwing mind reading abilities and amplify them. Andronikos learned to not just read minds, but to be able to use his own mind to move objects and manipulate other's minds.

WOAH WOAH WOAH. How? I can let the manipulation of other's minds slide, but moving objects? Hahah no. That's telekinesis. That's impossible. Fix this, please.

Soveliss then taught the dragonet the history of Pyrrhia, and helped the dragonet realize the power of the royal blood he had.

Makes sense.

Andronikos left from Soveliss' care when he was (the dragon equivalent of, ) 20.

I already said what I thought of this "dragon equivalent".

From that point onward he was convinced that it was his right of blood to rule not just the Nightwing and Skywing Tribes, but all of Pyrrhia. From that day until now, he had been building an empire of contacts and servants throughout the country. Slowly, but surely, he is becoming the true lord of Pyrrhia.


But he still has not quite reached a point where he can openly challenge a Queen's rule.



Andronikos and his loyal followers live in a castle-like structure in the mountains of the Sky kingdom. This is his base of operations.

Does... does the SkyWings know about this?

Mate: N/A

Makes sense


Andronikos has a love. Nobody but he knows her identity. Her name is Shard, a Princess of the Sandwings He believes that he is not worthy of her nor even worthy to confess his feelings to her until he has become the master of Pyrrhia.

Oh. Okay, it's pretty cool.

Dragonets: N/A

Makes sense.


Andronikos gained the steel talons after an injury sustained:

A "follower" of his challenged his rule. He accepted the challenge and the two dragons began to duel. The duel was long and hard. The dragon literally ripped Andronikos' talons out of (censored because that's way too much blood).

Andronikos won the duel by strangling the challenger to death. He then ordered one of the smiths to forge him new nails, ones made of steel. They are ingrained into the bones of his talons and are impossible to remove.

Andronikos keeps his steel talons razor sharp at all times, save for just one of them, which keeps dull so he can still write with ink if need be.


Also, I love that he keeps one claw dull to write. Please keep that.

He also occasionally likes to sing.

Singing boi.

My Rating:


Originality: 25/25 (This character is completely original)

Realism: 19/25 (1 point knocked off for the parents' names, 2 points knocked off for the rushed relationship between Prince Skyslicer and Princess Shadewalker, 1.5 points knocked off for the abilities, .5 knocked off for the "physical description" issues, 1 point knocked off for the lack of explanation in the backstory with the IceWings)

Interest: 25/25 (I'm very interested in this character)

Uniqueness: 25/25 (This character is very unique)


Andronikos is such an interesting, unique character! There's a few parts that need changing, but overall the character is lovely.

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