Chapter Twelve - It Girl

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The sound of footsteps got louder. Seconds later the door opened.

"Hello, Sir are you Dr. Calvin Reed?" I asked. The older man was confused.

"Yes Sir, is this about that interview for the news? Cause I-"

"This is a meeting. May we come in?" He stared at us with slight hesitation my smile never fading.

He slowly shut the door, "It's late why don't you come back tom-"

Leo stopped the door with his foot.

"I think now is a better time." I commented.

Leo pushed it back open and we walked in Calvin immediately went for the phone.

His shaking hand dialed the three digit number. "Hello? ...I need police here right away,-"

"You don't want to do that Calvin trust me." I looked around the Suburban home. Nothing special. Not much decor. There were many pictures of a younger girl that looked about seven. The image looked to have been captured in the late nineties.

"Yes there are about five men here. I'm not sure how that got past the gate,-" He looked down at the landline then placed the phone back to his ear. "Hello?"

"They're going to keep hanging up on you. Why don't you come on over and sit down."

Calvin took the time to hold his hands up in defense. "I don't have any money, any jewelry, or anything valuable."

"That's where you're wrong. You had something valuable and precious of mine that you hurt." He re-dialed the emergency number. After explaining his situation again they hung up...again.

I unplugged the landline from it's hook. Aging wasn't kind to him, a head full of gray hair and wrinkles all over.

"I'm not into illegal activities young man."

I sighed while taking off my suit jacket.
"You used your privilege as a M.D. and a white male to butter up to the system, adopt a child and then...what?" I wanted the answer from the source himself.

His demeanor changed after that, becoming insensitive. "What I did in the name of science, is only something other's in my field would understand. Not gangsters in sharp suits."

Apparently after his trial he went into intense rehabilitation and had been a man of the Lorde since.

She wasn't given justice. She'll get it in a few hours.

"These gentlemen are going to lay you down and strap you to the table. Carter go get my kit, Leo bleach and bags. Jayce, get outta the fuckin' fridge." He popped out of the expensive fridge with a watermelon slice in his hand and grapes in the other.

"Aye, I skipped lunch alright. I'm hungry."

"Hurry up."

"Yo this fucker has banana pudding," I heard Jayce say with satisfaction. "-besides it's not like leaving fingerprints is a problem Dre."

Calvin didn't put up much of a fight. In his old age he knew he wouldn't win. He complied. I could smell his fear.

There was now the clear plastic wrapping sheets laid on the floor and my kit sat on a stool.

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