1.1 | A Dying Secret Agent's Last Wish

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The original body name is Alicia Blue, an orphan that was taken by a secret organization to kill bad peoples for their bad deeds.

The problem is that she's weak. Her material art is top notch, she is the best of the best. But her intelligence is weak, she's easy to contol and is an airhead.

A muscle-head typical.

In the jungle, the strongest and the mightiest lion would be the only one who could rule. The weakest got ostracized and was ridicule.

Let's just say Alicia is a lion with no brain, naturally she got eliminated by those wicked bastards.

She got pregnant, but before she got the chance to reveal, she was thrown away, dropped out of the academy.

Now living in the outside world only knowing how to fight.. which is impossible for a pregnant lady for herself, she got bad luck one after another.

Kidnapped, and possibly another rape. Then die of starvation.

What's the relationship of her and the main characters, you said?

Unfortunately this child's father is the ruthless villain of the story, the vice-president of the organization.

They got drugged, and mistakes happened.

She was the trigger who made a story event where the villain secretly kills her and save the baby. The baby grows up to be the second most ruthless after his father and they both became partner in crimes.

Fucking great.

Now on her fifth month pregnancy, the current Alicia cursed and feel stressed.

But she immediately calm down, knowing that it won't be good for the child in her womb.

Rolling her eyes, she inspect the handcuffs on her hands and ankle. A key... Hairpin. And Alicia found one on her head.

Amateurs. They understimated the pregnant Alicia too much.

If she were to stay here until tomorrow came, it would follows the original storyline and she will die.

Thinking about that, she shivers. She successfully got out from the handcuffs and immediately took hiding place when a light footsteps were heard near the room.

"What the- The pregnant woman is-!!"

Alicia silently attack as she chop the man's neck, making him faint.

"Buy my own house, live peacefully and happily."

"Make my bundle of joy survive this hunger and won't experience them any longer.."

"Give birth successfully, giving him kisses and hugs everyday.. So he won't be lonely like me in my childhood.. Even if he's fatherless."

"Give him the best education, the best of everything.. "

"..and make him the happiest person on earth."

5 wishes; Total points of 1000.

Although she want the jackpot more, but fulfilling her motherly wish is not bad too. Her wish is all about her unborn son, and the current Alicia will make sure to make it happen.

Alicia finally escaped the abandoned building after crippling eleven men in sight with her silent attack, as she can't afford to fight anymore men, she chose to avoid of getting caught by walking much more carefully while hiding.

Her breathe became heavier as she ran in the shadow, her appearance is like a nightmare, white long dirty dress has now stained with bloods, she hold onto her hurting stomach and groaned.
Feeling headaches all over her head as the system alert her.

"Alert! Current baby survival probability is nearly 62% - Status : Keeps on decreasing - Cause : lack nutrients."


She tried to hold not to cry but were unable to. Her tears rebel her will.

"This fucking emotional pregnancy makes me crazy." she whispered.

Holding onto her belly, Alicia whispered painfully, "Hold tight honey. You're strong and mommy knows that. Let's get through this together, okay?"

As if agreeing, Alicia felt a weak kick in her belly. That motivates her to her heart. As long as her little bundle of joy is fine and well, Alicia will do all it means to make him happy.

"... It's the woman! She's here!"

Aw fuck, no.

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