Chapter 23: I Meant It.

Start from the beginning

97 voicemails and 154 missed calls. Damn. I started listening to some of them.


Alyssa baby please  dont do this.. pick up the phone please! i love you..


let me explain please just answer.


It was an accident i promise baby please dont leave me.

Im not going to stop calling until you answer. I will never stop loving you alyssa. Your my everything and i need you in my life. Dont leave. I wont let you leave that easily.


The rest of them were similar to that.. Begging me to pick up the phone and crying telling me that he loves me. What i want to know is how long did he keep this from me? I cant believe this is what he was hiding. I Gave him everything. My fists clenched while i thought about it. I was so mad. I am so heartbroken. I feel drained out and i dont want t anything. I just want to sit in my messy room staring at a wall thinking. That is exactly what i did.



Alyssa hasnt came out of her room for 3 days. She only comes down to get food. She grabs a bag of chips and runs back upstairs not saying anything. She hasnt showered. She hasnt changed her clothes. She just sits in her room. I feel like i should help her but i think she needs time alone. I know she loved him and i know this is hard on her but she has to move on. If only there was something i could do...



All i have been doing is calling her. I go straight to voicemail everytime. Maybe she isnt getting my calls. She would have answered by now right? Its been  3 days. I feel so guilty. I cant believe this is happening. My mom and my family they are all so dissapointed in me. How could i have let this happen? I called sobbing each time. 





"You know by now i thought you would have gotten the memo." I heard alyssas voice on the other line. I was so surprised and so happy she picked up.


Tears fell fast down my cheeks. I stuffed my face into a pillow and sobbed.

i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself.

"Nashy?" I heard skylynns little voice say. She walked in and hopped up onto the bed.

"Whats the matter?" She asked.

"Oh just a rough day." I lied.

"Camwon is here." She said pronouncing camerons name wrong.

I smiled softly and told her to go get him. Sooner than later cam was up and in my room.

"I heard." He said closing the door.

I got up from the bed and walked over to my dresser and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. My eyes were red and puffy and my nose was stuffy.

"Its okay bro." He said.

"Obviously you didnt here i got morgan pregnant." I said through gritted teeth.

"WHAT?" Cameron asked in suprise.

"yeah looks like im gonna be a dad and im never going to see alyssa again." I said tears flooding my eyes.

"cmon bro its okay. Lets not talk about it." He said and turned on the x box. We played video games to get my mind off of things.



 I put my ear buds in and blast the music laying with my feet propped up on top of the back board of my bed and throwing a stress ball up and catching it. Ive stopped crying. I should probably come out of my room soon. I am just so angry. I cant believe Nash would do this  to me. The next day i actually took a shower and felt a little better after. washing away my tear stains and cleaning my hair. I braided my hair and put on shorts and a tank top and decided to relax at the beach. I put in my ear buds and blasted miss moving on by fifth harmony. I could relate to it and it made me feel better for some reason.


Its been a week and two days. I miss him. I truly do. But i have to move on. I decided to go to starbucks. I walked down the street and then to starbucks. It wasnt that far of a walk so i got there fairly quickly. I walked in and ordered what i usually order. I decided just to walk home so i spun around sipping from my delicious drink and looked up.

My jaw dropped.

Cameron and Nash were on there way walking into starbucks. Shit. What do i do? I dont want to see him! He looks so good though. Thats when his piercing blue eyes connected with mine. It felt like time froze. I didnt know what to do. They walked in and i walked fast past them.

"WAIT ALYSSA." Nash shouted.


AN: Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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