Chapter 16: Hide And Seek

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I searched the list one more time for carters name and it wasnt there. I started to get nervous. Carter cant die. Not him. Please not him. Hes so kind and caring. I checked the board of the unidentifed. Most of them were dead. Carters picture wasnt there. I sat down at one of the chairs in the waiting room waiting for my father. I wish this wasnt happening. I wish that we were all back at magcon dancing. But Bad things happen.

Then my dad came with a sad look on his face.

"I found everybodys name but Carters..." i said and my voice trailed off.

"I couldnt find carters name either." he said.

"Thats weird.. What does that mean?" I asked.

"Well I guess that means he wasnt found." He said confused.

"So he is MIA?" i asked nervously.

"I think so.. let me check the list." He said and got into the line that said they werent found on the site.

Why would he wander away from the site? Oh god carter please be ok.

I was disrupted from my thoughts when i heard my name being called.

"ALYSSA BORDELON" said a nurse.

i got up and walked over to the nurse.

"Good news. Matthew is allowed visitors at this moment so you may see him. Jack Gilinsky is i surgery and wont be out for another hour or so i will let you know about that and jack johnson is in the ICU holding on but not looking to good. You may see him after if you would like."

"okay thank you. can i see matt now?" i asked.

"yes follow me." she said.

i let my dad know where i was going and then  followed her through the hallways of sick people. Then I saw matt. He lay there with something on his finger that detects pulse and bandages on both arms and a cast on his foot. He looked tired.

"Oh My God. Thank God your alive." i said hugging him.

"yeah i made it out okay." he said softly.

"are you tired?" i asked.

"yeah can we talk later im going to get some sleep." he said.

"yeah of course." i replied.

I left his room and found that nurse again and she brought me to see jack johnson When we arrived i couldnt believe it.

Jack lay there with tubes connected to him and wires everywhere. He had a bandage around his head and a broken arm and a breathing machine which meant he had lung failure. His eyes were closed and it was very quiet. His monitor beeped and his machine helped him breath but those were the only sounds. It was terryfiying seeing him lay there. I said a tiny prayer for him and we went back to matts room to sit until he woke up.


matt woke up after 2 hours.

"how are you feeling?" i asked.

"It hurts" he said simply.

"what hurts?" i asked.

"everything" he said practically wispering.

The nurse came and gave him more meds and he fell asleep again. I guess its best to let him sleep before i begin annoying him with all the questions. I ended up drifting off to sleep also.



I havent gotten a text or a call from Alyssa at all or bart or anybody. I really hope everything is okay. Im so bored with cam on this stupid plane. Were on our way to a meeting in New York.  I wish i could be at the hospital making sure they are okay.



I checked the list and found Carters name on it. That means he is MIA. What now? Oh god. This is terrible.

i walked up to a nurse and said "What are we supposed to do if a loved one is on the missing list?"

"Here i will bring you to a police officer." She said.

i followed her and she approached a police officer. She told him what i told her and he said to follow him. We entered a conference room and sat down.

"Who is missing?" He asked when we took a seat.

"Carter Reynolds." i responded.

"Okay and how are you related to him." the police officer asked.

"Im a close family friend." i said.

"Where are his parents?" he asked.

"I think they are on there way." I said.

"Okay do you have pictures of him?" He asked.

"Yeah i have some on my phone." I said pulling out my phone.

I found pictures of the boys and then showed him some selfies. I emailed them to the police officers email address and he printed them out.

"Well the officers are looking and doing the best they can. for now we have to wait for the parents so they can give me more information. And if they can bring a t shirt of Carters so the search and rescue dog can have something to sniff for. write down your phone number so i can contact you if we have more information and come and find me when his parents come. I will be here all day." He said.

After i wrote down my number i found the nurse that called my daughters name and she led me to alyssa.



When i woke up Matts parents were in the room and so was my dad and they were talking. Matt was still sleeping.

"How long was i sleeping?" i asked my dad.

"Well when i walked in you were asleep and ive been here for 2 hours." he said.

"oh. any news?" i asked.

"Carter is MIA." he said dissapointingly.

"Oh i really hope he is found. Thats crazy." I said.

" i know."

"are his parents here?" I asked.

"Yeah they are talking to the police. All the parents have rooms in the hotel so they can have some where to sleep over night." I said.

"okay." i said.

We ate at the cafeteria and then we came back up matt was still sleeping and jack is still the same. after about another hour matt woke up and he said he was feeling a little better. He began to tell us what happened.

"So all of a sudden the plane started going down and what ever and they told us to use the things but it was too late and then we were down. I dont remember much after that but i heard a lot of screaming and then it all went black and i passed out. When i woke up i was getting an x ray on my foot and i had these bandages on my arms. I didnt get hurt that badly but what about the jacks and carter?" he asked.

"jack j isnt looking to good and jack g is in surgery and carter.. well we dont know where carter is." i said.

"Oh." he said simply.

"Do you remember seeing carter after the plane crash?" i asked.

"No i dont think so but when the plane was crashing he wasnt in the same area of the plane as us." He said.



Sorry for the wait. i was going to upload yesterday but then something happened in my family that caused me not to. Hope you like.

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