Chapter 23: I Meant It.

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"what happened hun? why are you crying?!" my mom asked in concern.

I got off the plane exhausted and totally drained out. When my mom saw my swollen puffy eyes she was automatically concerned. She greeted me hugging me tightly. I felt like crying but nothings could come out. My tear ducts were empty. I dragged my suitcase behind me and followed my mom to the car. I told her everything that happened. My mom is like my bestfriend.. of course i would tell her.

"Oh darling. There will always be boys like that. Im so sorry you had to experience it. All break ups are hard. How bout we buy some tubs of ice cream and a lot of chocolate and you can go watch movies all day. Sound good?" she said rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Yeah thats good." i said and sniffled.

She started up the car and we made our way to the supermarket. We picked up tissues and a lot of junk food and movies.

When i got home i ran upstairs not wanting to talk to anybody. I took a couple of tissue boxes and chocolate and brought Dear john the movie upstairs with me and started the movie. Eating kept my mind off of it until I realized nash has been calling me for the past 2 hours.



She stormed out of the house and ran down the street. I tried to chase her but she had every right to be mad at me. I screwed up so bad. I walked back inside.

"Give up?" morgan said sitting on the couch.

"Leave. My. House." i said furious.

"But im carrying YOUR child." She pointed out.

"Thats YOUR fault. YOU got ME drunk and now look where we are. My girlfriend left me AND my slutty ex is sitting on MY couch acting like she is moving in AND she is carrying a poor innocent child that doesnt deserve immature 16 year old parents." i said clenching my fists.

"Nash you cant blame it all on me." she said.

"Your right i cant. But i get to be mad about it. Now get your pregnant ass out of my house." i said.

"Nash i have no where to go! dont do this to mee!" she wined.

"poor you." i said sarcastically.

"Nash..  nash what are you doing. Please dont do this." she said as i pulled her off of my couch and pushed her out my front door. I slammed it and locked it and ran up to my room.

I punched the wall so pissed because the one thing that i cared about most i let slip through my fingers. I love her so much. I cant let her leave. She is my everything. I decided to call her.

After about 3 hours of calling and no response i cried. I couldnt stop the tears from rolling down. The phone rang in my ear and it went straight to voicemail.

"leave a message and ill try and get back to you as soon as possible!" i heard her voicemail message say.

The tone beeped and i decided to leave a message.

"Babe." i cried.

"please. let me explain. Im not going to stop calling until you hear me out. I love you. i will never stop loving you. You need to understand it was a mistake. Please answer." i cried more and then finally hung up.



I flipped my phone over and turned it on silent and continued to watch the movie. Somewhere a long the way i fell asleep and when i woke up the movie had ended and it was silent in my room. I flipped over my phone

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