Chapter 9: We're Being Chased By a Nuclear Bomb, How Are You?

Start from the beginning

"Hmm?" Alan replies.

"You often forget I'm the youngest sister of four." Oriana explains, "If anyone understands the pressure they put on you, I do."

"Yeah..." Alan says with a sigh.

"You've got someone in your corner though." Oriana states and ruffles his hair. He whines.

"My hair!" Alan whines. Oriana giggles and Alan laughs with her before he sighs.

"Oh, John. What are you doing?" Alan mutters, "How hard is it to find one number?"

"I know you're getting tired, but I can fly for a while if you'd like?" Oriana asks.

"I'm alright. This is my ship after all. I never get tired of flying it." Alan replies before sighing once again.

[London, England]

FAB ONE arrives at the location and Parker gets out first before heading around the car to let Penelope out.

"Let me help you, milady." Parker suggests but Sherbert snaps at him with a bark, "Get out of it." Sherbert barks as he still partially didn't like Parker because Parker disliked him.

"That's quite alright, Parker." Penelope states before she gets herself out of the car. She looks around at where they were.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Penelope asks.

"Quite sure, milady." Parker replies. They walk over to the door and press the button for the intercom. Another button appears and Penelope presses that button too.

"You have reached the Consolidated File Archive, London branch." The lady begins.

"Ah, yes–" Penelope begins herself before she's interrupted by the woman continuing.

"For an existing enquiry, tap here..." The lady continues.

"Oh, for goodness' sake..." Penelope sighs out.

"For a new enquiry, tap–" The lady continues until Penelope presses a button, "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to retrieve a paper copy record file for Orbital Mine. Reference–" Penelope states before she's interrupted again.

"Do you have an access retrieval form?" The lady asks.

"I'm sorry?" Penelope replies, confused.

"You can't get to the files without the proper paperwork." The lady explains.

"And how do I get the proper paperwork, in a hurry?" Penelope asks.

"You have to make a submission on a scheduled retrieval day." The lady states. Lady Penelope sighs.

"This is ridiculous." Penelope mutters.

"Which is the first Thursday of the month." The lady rambles.

"We need to get a look at this file." Penelope demands, "This is a life and death situation."

"I'm sorry. I think my job's a bit more important than some 'life and death situation'. Thank you!" The lady exclaims before closing the connection. Penelope stares in disbelief before she pops open her comms device to John's connection.

"John. They're more than a little stubborn down here." Penelope informs John and Izzy.

"We really need that code, Lady Penelope." John pleads.

"Don't worry. We're not giving up." Penelope explains. She closes the comms device and gives Parker a small smile.

"Parker... pick the lock." Penelope orders, gently.

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