But Falling Has Always Been My Downfall

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" Of course not but I must say you look very cute and all domestic. I can get used to this." I said.

Dylan scoffed loudly then blew a loose strand of hair that was falling into her face. " Psh, I'm not the wifely type."

"But I bet you would make an excellent wife." I point casually to the sandwich that Dylan was flipping in the pan. " Oh, just so you know you are doing that wrong?"

Dylan smirked, eyes so much happier than I have seen in a very long time. " Explain to me how you can cook a grilled cheese wrong."

Continuing my charade, I put a finger to my mouth thoughtfully, " Well you see it's not really something I can explain. It requires close and personal instruction. I can't have you cooking those grilled cheeses wrong. It would ruin the entire meal."

"That's stupid." She deadpans. I get up from my chair and stand behind her.

"Okay, maybe I just needed an excuse to get close to you. But look it's working." I put my chin on her shoulder then proceeded to pretend to guide her. "See, that grilled cheese looks divine."

Slowly, she puts her spatula down, then turns to face me. I, of course, don't move away from her. Dylan looks incredibly cute as she bites her lip. When it came to forward actions, it always surprised me that I would be the one to take them. Dylan was the hesitant type.

"Do I need an excuse to kiss you?" She said softly. I shake my head and capture her lips with mine. Dylan's hand came to the side of my face, letting me put my hands on her back. The kiss was comforting and chaste because it really didn't need to be any more than that. We were content with just being there with each other.

"I smell food!" Derek shouts from outside of the kitchen door. Dylan, like a complete idiot, moves out of my space and ducks down behind the counter. I try not to laugh as I pretend to cook the grilled cheese on the stove.

Derek walks into the kitchen with giddy footsteps, rubbing his hands together. Then he pauses. "Wait, hold up. Are you seriously trying to 'act normal.'"

"No. No, I'm not."

"Yes you are and Dylan that is a stupid hiding place."

Dylan came up from behind the counter with a deep blush, biting her nails. "You are a stupid hiding place." Derek went over to Dylan, pinching her cheeks only making them redder.

"I resent that. Whatever that means."

Dylan pushes Derek off of her going back to the food, which was now looking way crisper then intend. She puts the sandwich on a plate and starts to make another. "It means you should leave the kitchen. We have business to attend to."

"And if by business you mean sucking face, then I will totally leave. If not I have to eat too."

"I will not confirm or deny this." She said.

Derek was about to respond when I put a hand up. "The moment is ruined now anyway."

"Wren!" Derek snickers at his sister's suspense.

" I'll go get a movie and then you can make a sandwich for Derek too."

I kiss Dylan on the cheek as she pouts and Derek starts to eat the sandwich that she already made, which meant she was going to have to make more.

I leave to go up to Dylan's room to where I know she keeps all the good DVD's. The other ones lived in Derek's.

I walked in and went straight to her bookshelf. I was surprised that she managed to keep her shelf in such top order but the rest of the room was a bit of a mess. She clearly cared about the presentation of her The top half of the self-consisted of various different movies and then the bottom half all of Dylan's favorite books to read.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें