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To lighten the angst, I present one beautiful meme.

Keith's POV

As I started to wake up that morning, I did what I did every day. I lay on the cold floor of my cell and waited to have my number called. I looked down at my thin arm and stared at the slightly faded tattooed written across the underside of my wrist. My number was all I was. KE-125. That was me.

I heard the Caller yell out my name, and I got up to go to where they were. As I trudged slowly to the preparation rooms, I contemplated what I might have for dinner. That was if they gave us dinner tonight. It was always a 50-50 chance.

As I got to the preparation rooms, I shed my tattered old clothes and started putting on my slicer outfit. I only had the two sets of clothes, but it was nice having something else to change into. As I stared at my half-dressed figure in the small, cracked mirror, I despised the scars that littered my body, both big and small.

I sighed, finished getting dressed, and headed out to where the Callers were so I could sign in for the day. If there was one thing that you did not want to do, it was to forget to sign in.

Those that forgot to sign in or didn't show up for the match at all were disciplined, and often incapable of doing anything but lay in their own pile of blood and filth for several days afterward.

Almost everyone had experienced this at one time or another. That's just the way it was.

Once I finished signing in, I headed towards the prematch waiting room. The old room was filled with other slicers and an unnerving silence. I sat down in the grim silence and watched the match that was going on at the moment.

I think it's about time that I explain what exactly happens here. The organization that I'm owned by is called The Scarlet Sword. It is run by psychotic aristocrats that hide under the shadow of darkness. They run orphanages throughout the country and keep the children there until their eighth birthday. After that their shipped off to one of the Scarlet Sword's facilities to be put to use.

Once the children arrive at the facility, they are put in a slicer uniform and thrown into the rink with whoever happens to be next in line. That's when it starts getting dirty.

No one is let out of the rink until one of them is dead.

They're on a time limit of ten minutes, and if neither is dead when the timer goes off, both are exterminated.

Next for me to explain is the point system.

The fewer seconds there were until the match ran out of time when you finished, the better your score was. The Scratchers would then see how many seconds there were until the end of the match, and however many seconds were left was the number of scratches or other injuries you would get as your 'reward'.

The reason that they wanted us to last as long as we could in the match without going overtime was to put out a good performance. We wouldn't want people to come all the way over to the facility just to watch a couple of quick deaths, now would we?

After the match, the victor is brought to the 'reward room' or as most people in the facility have nicknamed it, the Torture Chamber.

I was quickly snapped out of my daze by a person grabbing me by the loose collar of my shirt, and thrown out towards the entrance of the ring.

It was time for the match to start.

Let me know what you guys think of the story so far, and if you have any suggestions, by all means, let me know!

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