"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, please report to the office."
"Looks the Maritrash is in trouble." Chloe smirked, as I walked to the office.

As I entered the office I saw a girl who looked about 19 talking to the secretary, she was very pretty and had long red hair with an outfit that kinda looked like my ladybug breakdance gear but it was everyday clothing, she was carrying two gym bags one red with small black dots and one half black and half red that said Tikki,
"Ah good, she's here, Marinette this is Tikki, she offered to help you with designing today so we have agreed to let you have a few days off. You are to go with Tikki and learn as much as possible, we have already spoken with your parents and they have agreed to let you stay with her for a few weeks."
What... How am I supposed to grasp this..
Tikki must've saw the confused expression on my face because then she spoke,
"Don't worry, I'm a good friend of Sabine's and I heard you liked designing so I offered to help. If you don't want to stay with me I understand-"
"-No! I-I want to stay with you." I interrupted her, something made me feel like I could trust Tikki and that she would help Ladybug too.
"Perfect, Marinette you are dismissed from school for a week. Now Ms.Tikki take care of our head designer." The principal (who somehow just appeared and made sense of the whole conversation) said, and with that Tikki nodded and we walked out together.

As we walked to her car she grinned,
"So Marinette, do you like breakdance?"
"W-what? N-no! If we ever set foot in a club we would be kicked out of Akuma High!"
"That is true, but you were willing to take that chance, no?" I stayed silent as we got into her car,
"Don't worry Marinette, your secret is safe with me." Something is suspicious about Tikki.
"Are you really my mama's friend?" I asked and she shook her head,
"No, but we do have permission from them to stay at my house, here we're at the bakery. Let's go pack about 2 months worth of stuff and then we'll head out."

Time skip brought to you by Volpina! Aven set us up for this but she didn't show up. Humph!

After we had finished packing we brought my stuff down to Tikki's car, we packed my stuff in, got in ourselves, then started to drive to her house.

"Tikki, you said you were the top breakdancer in France, right?"
"Yep, me and my partner were the best in all of France, why?"
"Well, I was wondering, who was you partner and why did you stop?"
I looked at Tikki as I said this and she looked a little sad,
"My partner was Plagg, but back then we were known as Ladybug and Chat Noir. We stopped because the club we danced in got shut down by Hawkmoth. We revealed to each other, and now we're here, helping Nino run the club that we once danced in."
"Wait, Club Miraculous was once the club you danced in?! And were you and Plagg always partners?"
"Yes, And goodness gracious no. We were enemies before we joined together. And just like you the old Volpina was my best friend."
"She was?"
"Yep! She came from Italy and became my best friend, oh! We're here."
We pulled into a long driveway that lead to a huge mansion, Tikki was rich!
"Tikki! You live here?!" She just giggled in reply and helped me get my stuff out and into the house.

"We pulled into a long driveway that lead to a huge mansion, Tikki was rich!"Tikki! You live here?!" She just giggled in reply and helped me get my stuff out and into the house

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Adrien's POV

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, please report to the office."
Why was Marinette called to the office?
"Looks like the Maritrash is in trouble." I looked at Chloe as Marinette walked by her and saw her smirk. As Marinette left I glared at Chloe,
"Chloe you need to be nicer to Marinette, she's a human too."
"But Adrikins! She has a horrible taste of clothing and she doesn't deserve to be called a human!" Chloe spat out and looked back to the teacher, sighing I turned my attention back to the lesson and the day continued.

Time skip brought to you by Doritossuck.com, don't go to their website folks Doritos are amazing *hint hint* #Notsponsered

As the bell rings I hear an announcement on the intercom,
"Adrien Agreste, please report the the office, I repeat; Adrien Agreste."
I headed towards the office, aware that eyes were turning to the school's owner's son. As I reached the office I saw a tan boy that looked to be about 19 or 20, he was talking with the secretary and principal.
"Oh good, here he is." The secretary looked relieved,
"Adrien, this is.. I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?" The principal was trying his hardest but the teenager looked bored,
"I'm Plagg, I'm going to help you with Ballet for a few weeks while your Dad is away." Father left without telling me? Figures.
"Did you get permission from Father and Nathalie for me to do this?" I questioned, of course I wanted to go but I had to make sure I wouldn't get in trouble for it.
"Don't worry, I have asked for permission from Mr.Agreste and he granted it, as long as you would be working on ballet you are allowed to be with Mr.Plagg." The secretary stated.
"Alright, let's get going Adrien, we have to go pick up your stuff." Plagg looked like he was in a rush to get out of here,
"One more thing before you go Adrien,"
"What is it?"
"You are excused from school for a week to start your training." The principal said.
"Understood, thank you sir." And with that Plagg pushed me out the door and out of the school into his car.

"Phew we're finally out of that, how do you stand that kid? Talking all formally and all that weird stuff." Plagg made a face that made me laugh,
"I have to talk like that to my Father all the time, so I'm used to it."
"That must be tough kid, I can't stand talking like that." Plagg states then popped a piece of cheese in his mouth, then continued after starting to drive and finishing the cheese.
"Anyways, we have to go pick up about 2 months of stuff for ya, including your breakdance gear."
Wait... Plagg knows I breakdance?
"W-what breakdance g-gear?" I asked in a shaky voice,
"You don't fool me kid, I know you're Chat Noir and I'm going to help you beat Ladybug."

Author's note,
Heyyy! So sorry I didn't get out the second chapter that I promised! So instead I made this chapter 1502 words! So it's like a chapter and a half, anyways I'll see if I can write more chapters today. Thank you so much to the people who are adding this story to their libraries and reading lists! It encourages me to write more! Cya later!

Once again ; A miraculous ladybug breakdance AU | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now