Swearing (Platonic Everything {pretty much})

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No this is not an excuse to start swearing in the comments.

The sides knew of Patton's hatred of bad language, which was why it was so funny to act as though they were about to swear and hear what new word he would add in to change their sentence.

It was a game to Logan, Roman and Virgil. Less of a game to Logan, yet still a game.

It all started when, Virgil walked into the kitchen and was asked to help Patton dish out the food.

Logan and Roman were sat at the table, and chatting away, minding their own business, when Virgil grabbed the pan.

He touched the handle a little too far down, and shouted, "Ow! Mother f-"

"Flamingo" Patton interrupted.

"That's hot." Virgil finished.

Roman erupted into laughter, whilst Virgil was silently cussing to himself, and ran his hand under the cold tap.

It took a while, but Roman finally calmed down.

Later that evening, after Patton had wandered off, Roman, Logan and Virgil all discussed using Patton's... outburst to their advantage.

The other two agreed, however, Virgil, most of the time, would never swear intentionally unless he messed up or hurt himself, which was a common occurrence.

About a week later, Logan was in the kitchen, a cup of coffee on the table, and a book in his hands, he was leaning back in his chair, and his book was blocking out the world.

Virgil came in, followed by Roman and Patton. They all knew Logan hadn't seen nor heard them come in, yet they all set about their regular morning tasks.

Logan removed his book from in front of his face, and grabbed his coffee, dropping it on himself out of fright, due to seeing the other aspects in there with him.

"Oh sh-"

"Shoes." Patton corrected Logan.

"Yes..." Logan furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh shoes indeed."

Roman found this hilarious

Later that same week, several other "Patton Corrections" happened.

Virgil stubbed his toe, and yelled "f-"


"A duck."

Roman dropped food on his white clothes, tomato sauce no less, and cried out "suck my d-"


Logan dropped his science experiment, "what the h-"


Virgil and Roman were talking and Virgil got extremely excited. "Shut the f-"

"Frying pan" came the quiet correction from the next room over.

"Up! No way!"

The two males laughed and continued to talk after that.

However, Virgil never expected to hear the dad like trait swear.

He walked into the kitchen, and greeted the older persona, and saw him fighting with a piece of potato.

Patton sent him a small wave, and Virgil rummaged through the fridge to get his drink.

"I swear... Princey stole my d-"


"Drink!" Virgil groaned, frustrated at the royal aspect.

"Oh mother f*****, suck my d*** and get in the pan." Patton all of a sudden exclaimed, still fighting with the potato. He finally picked it up and got it into the pan, letting out a satisfied sigh.

Virgil stood there, eyes wide, and slowly backed out of the room, making a mental note to tell the others about it later.

510 words

This occurred to me whilst I was volunteering. I don't know why. It just amused me.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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