Female Morality (Moxiety)

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This will be one of the only "straight" one shots I do. IM SORRY I COULDN'T DO STRAIGHT VIRGIL. BUT I DID DO MOXIETY ANYWAY!


She opened her eyes.
This wasn't her room. Where was she?
To say Morality was confused would be an understatement.
She climbed out of her bed, and got dressed, this wasn't her clothes, they were... too big?
She slid on the clothes, and rolled ou the trouser legs, hoping she didn't stumble over the legs as the rolled down.
She left her room and went to the commons, and she saw the other three traits. They were male? Where were the female traits? Where was she?
Morality looked around, were they talking to her?
"What are you doing to yourself? Why is you hair so long? Why are you female?"
"I've always been female, silly!" She let out a nervous giggle at the trait wearing a neck tie.
"Virgil?" The trait in red and white waved his hand in front of the darker trait's eyes.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, why'd ya ask?"
"Why did" Logan corrected.
Morality watched with amusement, they reminded her of her trait friends. They were all gay though, and she wasn't, but if she wanted to go back home, it wouldn't matter if they were gay or not, she wouldn't have time to form a romance with one.
"You zoned out, staring at... her?" Roman answered.
"What's your name?" Logan asked.
"No I mean, your real name."
"Oh, Pattern"
"I am Logan, or Logic, that is Anxiety, or Virgil." He pointed to the darker trait, and that, he pointed to the red and white trait, "Is Roman, or Princey."
"Fabuloso!" She giggled and sat next to Virgil or Anxiety. "Hi." She grinned, and waved overly enthusiastically.
"Hi?" He spoke, cautiously.
"Logan?" She asked.
"How do I get back home?"
"How did you get here?"
"I fell asleep last night in my world, and woke up here."
"We shall try that first, since our Patton must have traded places with you, if that does not work, we may have to try something else."
"Alrighty-o" She grinned.
"I can't wait for Patton back." Virgil muttered.
"That is your version of me?" she asked.
The four traits spent the day together, talking and getting to know Morality, hoping that they would be able to reverse the switch.
The next morning, she woke up in the same room she fell asleep in, and sighed sadly.
Roman woke up after her and noticed her dismay. "Have you ever encountered a Dragon Witch?" He asked.
"Why yes! She told me... what did she tell me...?"
"Something that meant you and our Morality switched?"
"YES!" She spoke, and disturbed the other two traits in the room, who woke up.
"What?" Virgil muttered, hand on his head, indicating he had a headache.
"We must venture to the Imagination, for that is where the answers we seek lay!" Roman spoke, dramatically.
"Cut the dramatics, Princess." Virgil muttered, "It's too early."
"I am not a Princess." He scoffed. "I am a Prince, a Knight in shining armor, and I will save our Damsel in Distress."
"Patton is not a damsel." Logan spoke.
"No but Pattern is..." Roma spoke quietly.
The four traits ate breakfast and headed to the Dragon Witch's cave.
"We demand answers, you wretched beast." Roman spoke.
"How is that going to make her cooperative?" Virgil asked, confused.
The Witch crawled out of her cave. "Ugh Prince, It's too early, what do you want?"
"We want our Morality back!"
"Yeah yeah, whatever, done."
She snapped her claws and the four traits were teleported back to the mind, and when they arrived there, they saw they had Patton back with them.
"Patton!" Roman grinned and engulfed the fatherly trait in a hug.
"I had a great adventure!" He spoke about his adventure in the other world and the female traits he met. All the while, Virgil never left his side, happy to have Patton back.

647 words

I hope this was okay, and you're not too disappointed. I'm sorry if it's bad and not what you expected.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

Sanders Sides OneShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora