Chapter 6

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Red was waiting and pacing outside the bedroom door. Doctor Rouge kicked him out as soon as he saw Green. Red was extremely worried and sat down beside the door. He heard his mom come in through the front door.

"How is he?" Dani asked as she sat down beside her son.

"I don't know yet. Mom I'm scared." Red said trying to stay calm.

"Hey now. It's probably just a cold. I got sick when I was pregnant with you and I had to be on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy." Dani told him while she hugged him.

He hugged his mother back. "God I hope that is all it is."

They both looked up when they saw Doctor Rouge walk out of the room. He looked down at them and waited till they stood up. "Anywhere we can talk?"

Red nodded and lead them to the dining room table, where they all sat down.

Red waited for a full thirty seconds before he spoke. "So what's wrong with him?"

The Doctor smiled. "It seems like he has a fever. He will be on bed rest for the rest of his pregnancy."

Red sighed in relief. "Will he be okay though?"

"Yes. Now since he is due soon I am going to tell you what is probably going to happen. He will feel a lot of pain through cramps. Now it may seem like they are far apart but they will get closer together. When they are about five minutes apart bring him in and ask for me alright?"

Red nodded. "Anything else?"

"He could be in labour anywhere between next month and the ninth month."

Red nodded and looked over at his mother. Dani smiled at him. "I will help you when the time comes."

Red took a deep breath and let it out. "May I see him?"

The doctor nodded and with that Red stood up and made his way to their bedroom. He placed his ear on the door and it was quiet so he opened the door quietly. He walked in and closed the door making his way around Greens side.

Green was sleeping peacefully. Red was thankful for that but how did the doctor make the pain stop? He shook his head and got into the bed laying down behind him and wrapped his arms around his lovers waist.

He held him like this for about a couple hours before he felt Green stir. He heard him groan and he moved his head and gave Red a little smile.

"You feeling better?"

Green sniffled informing Red that he already had a stuffed up nose. "Yes I do but my throat is a little sore." He croaked out.

Red smiled and kissed him on the forehead. "Alright some tea with honey and lemon is coming up." With that Red went to get up but Green huffed and climbed on him.

"Green, careful of the baby now."

Green just whined and shifted then snuggled into him. "Just stay here."

"Alright." Was Red's one word reply.

Red didn't know how long they laid there, but it was a long time since Dani joined them and she was reading a book. Green wasn't asleep, he never could when he got sick, but he was happy to lay there. Red knew he was going to get sick after this but it would be worth it.

Green moved which alerted Dani. "You alright dear?"

"Yep just have to go to the washroom."

She nodded and went back to her book while Red also got up to finally get that tea for his lover.

Green came back to a empty room and was confused. Wasn't there two other people in here? He shrugged and laid back down. He was afraid of this, the whole bed rest thing. He is going to go crazy for laying in bed for a month or two with nothing to do.

He couldn't do the nursery like he wanted or cook or ugh. He was miserable. Green sniffled and wiped the tears that were threatening to come and stared at the ceiling. He looked up when he heard the door open to see all of his friends and he sat up.

"What are you guys doing here?" He croaked out.

"To see you silly." Blue said as she sat down beside him.

"We heard what happened and wanted to check on you." Ethan said as he came in.

Green smiled and hugged all of them when they came to hug him, since he wasn't allowed to get out of bed. "I thought you wouldn't be coming." Green exclaimed as he hugged Ethan.

"Blue got me in." Ethan explained.

"Thanks Blue you are the best!"

Blue smiled. "Well you guys are friends and Red is just a little over protective."

Everyone laughed.

"May I?" Sapphire asked.


With that Sapphire placed her hand on Greens swollen stomach and beamed when she felt the baby kick. "Oh my gosh!"

Green smiled when he saw her happy expression. He let the others feel and jumped when Red sat down beside him. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." He told his lover. Green smiled and snuggled into him and yawned.

"Sweetheart are you hungry?" Dani asked him, the she looked at everybody else. "Wow that is a lot of people. Are you guys hungry?" Everybody nodded at her question and with that she went off to the kitchen to cook something.

"Hey what is the date?" Green wondered.

"May first. Why?" Ethan answered.

"Just wondering. Thanks Ethan."

Red smiled and kissed his lover on the forehead and got up. "Can I talk to you guys outside? Green needs to sleep."

Green yawned and muttered a thank you to Red and settled down under the covers.

As soon as the group moved to the kitchen Red sat down and pulled out his notebook. "I need your help guys. Green had an idea for the nursery and now since he is on bedrest he cant do it. So I wanted to surprise him."

"Oh what idea?" Crystal piped up.

"He wanted to do a dark blue gray with these white oak trees in each corner."

"And how are we suppose to do that?" Blue asked.

"I don't really know and that is why I need you help." Red said.

"Just paint the room and let it dry. Then paint the white oak trees afterwards." Ethan explained.

"Well that seems rather simple. I think we can pull this off." Silver replied.

"Alright! I already got the paint so lets do this." Red exclaimed.

Everyone walked into the room that was going to be the nursery and got paint brushes. After a couple hours and about seven cans of paint later they got the entire room painted.

"Alright! Now we just got to let it dry." Red told everyone.

"Food's ready!" They heard Dani call out and everybody went to the kitchen. After everyone got something to eat, Red got a plate for Green and made his way to their bedroom and went inside.

Green was still sleeping from the sleeping cold medicine that he took earlier. Red sat down beside him and gently woke him up. "Hey cuddlebug. It's time to wake up. I got food."

Green groaned and looked up at his partner. He slowly sat up, huffing at the effort and blinked a couple times to wake himself up. He turned his head and looked at the food and up at Red.

"How long was I out?"

Red smiled. "A couple hours. Here."

Red handed him the plate and watched as Green picked up the fork and slowly stab at a carrot and shoved into his mouth. He chewed a couple times and swallowed.

Red smiled. The time was almost close and he knew it, and hell this is the scariest thing he will face.

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