Chapter 5

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"What about the colour blue?" Crystal asked looking at the room.

"Ew no. Just because it's going to be a boy does not mean that it has to be blue." Green complained.

"Fine what was colour of your room?" Crystal demanded.

"It was a light purple with a dark blue ceiling with glow in the dark stars on it so if I woke up I would look at the stars."

Red wrapped his arms around his lovers waist and kissed his temple. "That's adorable."

Crystal groaned. "Your room was better than mine. I had a ugly yellow room."

"Yes but you have parents. I have a mother who died after child birth and a father who ran off and came back only to stay for an hour before leaving." Green complained once again.

"Shit when did that happen!?"

"During the summer." Red answered.

"Hey what was your room like Red?" Crystal asked.

"My baby room? It was a deep red colour. Then it was changed to a orange, so it kinda looked like a fire."

"What the hell guys! Lucky." Crystal exclaimed.

Everyone laughed and they walked out of the room that was going to be the nursery and sat down at the kitchen table where Gold and Silver were waiting. "Decided what colour the room is going to be?" Silver asked which Crystal shook her head. "Hey what colour was your guys rooms?"

"Mine was a brick wall with a metal roof. I had a crappy room." Silver stated.

"It was a blue room. My parents took the whole blue is for boys thing way to seriously." Gold answered.

"Why would you like to know?" Silver wondered.

"Deciding what colour the nursery should be." Green told him.

"Why don't you just do a design the room? Like with animals or something." Silver shrugged.

"That's a good idea!" Crystal exclaimed.

Green on the other hand, gave them both a are you kidding me look. He looked up at Red who looked back at him. Red looked like he liked the idea which made Green sigh. "Fine but no animals! That is such a overused theme."

"No animals? Okay then we just have to think of something else." Crystal muttered to herself.

Everybody sat there thinking about an idea while Green got up and rubbed his lower back. He was about seven months along and his back just ached from all the weight he was carrying.

He loved this thing growing inside him but some days he really wished it would just come out so he wouldn't be so fat and waddle and just being moody. He turned to face his three guests. "Are you guys staying the night? If so please let me know so I can go to bed. I'm really tired."

"I think that we are going to go home. Want to pick this up tomorrow?" Crystal asked.

Green nodded and yawned. They all said their farewells and Green went to bed. Green looked at himself in the mirror and grimaced. He hated to look at himself when he was this big.

Green sighed when he felt Red slip his arms around his waist. "You look beautiful." Red whispered as he kissed Greens bare shoulder.

"No I look like a fat ugly whale." Green corrected.

"Now why would you say that?"

"Because it's the truth."

Red frowned and placed his right hand on his lovers belly feeling the baby move. "No it's not. You are beautiful , you know how people say how pregnant women glow? Well you shine. When you talk about the baby you get this spark of excitement in your eyes and you light up the room. " He whispered kissing the back of Greens neck.

Green blushed and looked down. How can someone who can be so oblivious say something so soothing? Red surprised him all the time.

He turned and hugged Red, whispering a thank you. Red held him close and took a step back in order to help Green into bed. When they settled down, with Green curled up on his partners chest, it was peaceful. Until Green had a brilliant idea for the nursery.

"I have an idea for the nursery!"

"Not so loud cuddlebug." Red muttered.

"Oops sorry. Anyway I have an idea. What if we paint it a nice blue/gray colour and have a huge white tree in each corner? Oh yes I am totally loving this idea!"

"I like it to. But how are we suppose to do that?"

Green shrugged. "Don't really know but we will figure it out."

"In the morning, now go to sleep." Red said softly while running his hand down on Greens back.

Green frowned. "Alright fine. But I am calling Crystal in the morning! She would love this."

Red pulled his lover so he was laying on his back. Green snuggled up to him and stared at the wall. He couldn't sleep now but he suppose he could try.


When Green woke up he felt rather sick. He didn't feel good at all and he didn't understand why. He sat up and rubbed his belly, he was only seven months which meant he was not suppose to feel this.

He looked to see that Red has already gotten up and was doing something, so he swung his legs over and tried to stand up on his own. Anymore these days he couldn't sit or even stand up without help and he hated it so much.

After he finally stood up, he walked to the door and leaned on it. He took a deep breath and called out for Red.

He only had to wait for a little while when Red showed up. "What is it sweetheart?"

"I don't feel so good." Green whined.

Red felt his forehead and sat him down on the bed. He called his mom and walked out of the room to talk to her. Green whined and placed a hand on his stomach. It was only April he wasn't due now. It was suppose to be in May or June the doctor told him.

He looked up when he saw Red walk back in. "Okay we are going to get you dressed and to the hospital alright."

Green nodded and grabbed his partners hand. The pain was almost getting unbearable and he closed his eyes since he was starting to get a little dizzy. "Just call Doctor Rouge to come here please." He tried to tell Red but it ended in a sob.

But it seemed like he understood him and he picked up his phone and called the doctor. Green looked at Red who ended the call about five minutes later. "He's on his way now. He should be here in twenty minutes."

Green huffed and laid down. He closed his eyes and whined, he felt Red get up. He heard him come back into the room and Green sighed as Red laid a cool wet cloth on his forehead.

Red looked at the door when he heard the doorbell go off. Looks like the doctor is here.

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