Chapter 3

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Green felt like he was going out of his mind. It was a couple weeks after that whole group lunch thing and as much as Green liked it, he didn't want to deal with them everyday.

It got to the point where he told Red to leave them at school and only bring himself. Red never gets the hints that's the problem dammit.

He loves his boyfriend very much but he can be a complete idiot sometimes that Green has to wonder if he was dropped on his head a few too many times when he was a baby.

It started about fifteen days ago when he noticed it. Hormones. Horrible freaking hormones. There are days where he is so emotional or he screamed at Red to screw him senseless or he will sleep on the couch.

He knew Red was at a loss on what to do and he understood that.

Green was laying down on the bed staring at the wall. He was so bored and he had no idea what he was going to do.

Green sat up and walked to the kitchen and all of a sudden he had a craving for chocolate cake. He sat down and threw Dani a text asking how to make a chocolate cake and got started.

A little while later

Red walked into the little apartment, having a day off of work, and stopped when he saw Green icing this huge chocolate cake.


Said male looked up and gave him a big smile. "Hey I made cake!"


Green huffed and put the butter knife down. "You don't want it?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

Red put his stuff down and walked over to the smaller male and pulled him in a hug. "No I do! It's great! May I have a piece?"

Green sniffled and nodded and pulled away. He sat down and stared at the cake. He shifted his eyes so he watched Red pull out two plates and forks from the cupboards and sat down beside him.

Green sniffled and grabbed the butter knife and cut a piece out and placed it on Reds plate, setting the knife down he watched Red as he took a bite and nod at Green.

"This is great!" Red beamed.

Green smiled and cut himself a piece taking a big bite. Oh god he loved chocolate cake. He hummed around his bite and took another one.

"Easy now, don't want you to choke now." Red gently told him while taking a hold of his fork.

Green swallowed before he snapped at him. "Don't tell me what to do!"

Red blinked and gave the fork back to him. "Just take it easy. Small bites."

Green took the fork and looked at his cake, he frowned and stood up leaving the cake on the table and locked himself in their room. Startled the raven haired male quickly followed him.

Red quietly walked up to the bedroom door, giving it a gentle knock. "Green?"

"Go away!"

Red looked down at the floor and put his forehead on the door. "Please let me in."

He heard some noise in the room before he heard the lock turn. He opened the door and gently closed it before making his way to the bed where Green was laying down.

He climbed in wrapping an arm around his lover. He stayed quiet knowing that Green will talk in his own time. Moments passed when Green decided to turn around and rest his head on Reds chest.

"What's going on?" Red whispered.

"I don't know. I'm happy then next thing I know I get angry and ugh these hormones are driving me nuts."

"Alright. Tell me why you got angry."

Green huffed and shifted lifting his leg up over top of Red's and he snuggled into his partners neck. "I emailed my teachers and they are all fine with what is going on with me since I explained it. But Koga is giving me a hard time and saying that I have the devils child growing inside me."

Red groaned. "God I hate him. Blue was complaining about how you weren't there to save her."

Green giggled. "That sounds about right. Hey can you go heat up some beans?"

"Um alright?" Red said as he got up and walked out to the kitchen.

Green quickly got up and walked over to the mirror that they had. He lifted up his shirt and looked at his expanding belly. Running a hand over it he smiled feeling like he was ready for this. He was getting bigger everyday, he could tell since he is now wearing yoga like pants.

Pulling his shirt back down Green slowly turned to make his way to the kitchen. He was around four months so he wasn't waddling yet. He was dreading when that stage was coming but he took it as well as he could. He noticed that his feet ache a lot more often then he would like to admit.

He sat down at the kitchen table and stared at his slice of cake he never finished and pushed it away.

"Not going to finish that?" Red asked.


He watched as Red nod and put it in the cake holder that Dani gave them. He laid his head down on the table and closed his eyes. He felt at peace right now, well until he ate something he would. He opened his eyes and quickly got up to get himself a bowl of ice cream.

"I thought you wanted this?" Red questioned.

"I do are they done?"

"Yep here you go."

Green smiled and picked up the pot, pouring the bean on top of the vanilla ice cream. He got a spoon and sat down. He ignored Red's look and started eating.

"This is good. Want a bite?"

Red cringed. "No thanks."

Green shrugged and continued to eat away.

"I booked an appointment with the doctor to see what gender the baby is. Heh Blue and Gold are betting on the gender." Red explained.

"Ok when?"

"In about a month. It says you need to be at least five months before you can go."

Green nodded while spooning another mouthful of his ice cream and beans in his mouth.

Red rolled his eyes and smiled. Great the cravings have arrived.

Damn You RedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora