A person could never win when it comes to Vanessa but I don't let her get to me, I walked to the car and Taraji was busy with her phone on the passenger seat. I figured it  would be convenient for us to use one car and we took mines and left hers. She placed her phone in her bag and looked at me

Taraji:I'm hungry aren't you?
Terrence:I didn't know Vanessa was his lawyer until we walked in
Taraji:I'm craving for steak, what do you feel like having?
Terrence:Did you here what i just said?
Taraji:Steak it is, can we go because we have to be back in two hours?

She's definitely pissed off.

Taraji:I don't care Terrence
Terrence:I know you don't care but I care. She didn't have to talk to you like that
Taraji:So that's what she meant when she said "we'll meet again". Your ex wife called Brook when she was at my house and when she told her that you're my lawyer,she said we shall meet again which I didn't understand at the time.
Terrence:Enough about her, you said you're hungry let's go get you something to eat
Taraji:Your seatbelt
Terrence:Thank  You

Taraji and I just finished our meals and now we just seating in this restaurant to pass time

Terrence:The last time we talked things were a bit off
Taraji:It was your thoughts and I can't judge you on how you see me.
Terrence:I was wrong you're not the person I thought you were and I would really like to know you better
Taraji:You're my first friend since highschool you  know
Terrence:i'm glad I am

Our waiter came to get our tab and I'm surprised Taraji didn't fight me on going 50/50.

Terrence:I thought you would offer to pay half Taraji
Taraji:Not with the money I'm paying. Terrence you bankrupting me
Terrence:You have money
Taraji:Can i ask you something?
Taraji:The Haines deal, did you know I was after it before you pitched?
Terrence:I only knew after we got the deal that your company pitched
Terrence:Come on let's go


Vanessa:Your honor I'd like to call Ms Henson to the stand

Taraji took the stand confident as ever, I love confidence in a woman any women

Vanessa:Ms Henson may an I ask what is the reason you decided to divorce Mr Alba?
Taraji:I believe that is too personal
Vanessa:Okay I'll pass on that, Is true that you cheated on Mr Alba four years into you marriage Ms Henson ?
Taraji:That is a lie. And I don't think we are in here to discuss my personal life but the fact that Mr Alba wants my hard earned money, so Ms Williams if you don't have more questions for me may I step down?
Vanessa:No further questions

She handled this like a pro. I stood to ask Taraji a few questions of my own

Terrence:Ms Henson when did you start your very first company?
Taraji:About 18 months after we got Idris and I got married
Terrence:Who funded your company?
Taraji:My parents
Terrence:Did Idris try to find any type of employment when he lived with you ?
Taraji:I can't really say because I was not dependent him so I didn't push him to find any type of employment?
Terrence:Has he ever stepped out of your marriage?
Vanessa:Speculative question your honor!
Terrence:Withdrawn your honor.  No further questions


It was one of the good days in court today and I pray I have more of those,i was driving Taraji to her house because I picked her up and we're just having a light hearted conversation

Taraji:I still can't believe she is your ex wife
Terrence:I can't believe it too
Taraji:Why did you two separate,if you don't mind me asking?
Terrence:I fell out of love and I didn't see the purpose I served in the marriage so I decided to end it
Taraji:I doubt the feeling was mutual
Terrence:Why so you think that?
Taraji:She still makes it a point to know who you're seeing and she gave me an attitude as if we sharing the same dick
Terrence:Didn't realize you have such a dirty mouth Ms Henson. Don't let Vanessa get to you she doesn't wanna see me with anyone besides her that won't happen!
Taraji:Are you sure of that?
Terrence:Why you asking?

I packed by the gate and she got out to pin the security number and got back in the car, she has a very long drive way.

Taraji:Thats for the ride

She's ignoring my question on purpose

Terrence:No problem.

I walked her to the door while she searched for her keys in he hand bag, she's really beautiful inside out and I didn't realize that but now I do.  She found her keys and proceeded to open her door while I invited myself in and she took off her shoes next to the door.

Taraji:You want a drink?
Terrence:Nah i promised Brooke a movie night so I can't
Taraji:Okay greet her for me
Terrence:Will do

She walked me out the door and I couldn't help but look at her face, I didn't even realize we were standing too close to each other.

Do it, you know  you want to

Taraji:I guess I'll see y...

I just pulled her closer and kissed her,i guess she accepted the kiss because she didn't pull back.  She has the softest lips ever and a sweet flavour to them. We pulled back and I left.

Things are getting too personal in the court session?

Vanessa taking jabs at Taraji but she ain't retaliating, why?

"Friends"my ass!

Their lunch wasn't awkward as expected?


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