Prologue (2)

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I really don't regret about kicking their asses, but I do regret getting my parents in trouble. I haven't really thought about the consequences.

Currently, I am sitting in the principal's room with my parents, bullies (they have bandages everywhere), their parents and the principal.

I really shouldn't, but I can't help to laugh secretly at the wounds of my bullies. After all, they have deserved it. But I really shouldn't think of it now since it's fact that it's bad to hurt others.

"Mr. and mrs. Magsmith, your daughter has committed a crime by misusing her magic and hurting these boys. How will you proceed to punish your daughter?" The principal asks with a firm face, showing no mercy.

They all have decided to not call the police because it would only solve nothing. If they sue us, we will sue them back. However, they all want my parents to punish me.

I know that my parents are currently looking at me, even though I don't dare to look at them, just silently staring at the ground. I am feeling slightly guilty, but not because of their injuries, it's because of my parents, who are being in trouble.

"My daughter has done something crucial, yes," my mother begins to talk, but without showing any hints of anger, "but I trust my daughter that she would never hurt someone without any reasons."

To prevent my hands from shaking, I clench them to fists, almost hurting them with my sharp nails. My magic is wildly resonating inside me, trying to hold back my own tears.

"Even if the boys did something wrong to your daughter it doesn't mean that your daughter has the right to hurt them," the principal seems a bit furious because my mother is showing no remorse.

"So? What if we are the ones who told her that she has all rights to hurt them back?" My father provokes and grabs my tiny hand.

His big hand is comforting me a lot, almost like this alone could protect me from any harms. It's so warm.

Even with all my efforts, i have started to cry. My hot tears are flowing down my pinkish cheeks, all the way down my face, falling on his hand.

It's really great that they believe in me no matter what has happened before. I love them. And I am the happiest person on the world that they love me unconditionally.

"That's unacceptable," the principal furiously states, while heavily breathing and getting paler every second, "encouraging your child's misbehaving? Unacceptable!"

"Misbehaving? That's called self-defense! But it shouldn't bother you anymore since my wife and I have decided to enroll our daughter to another school. An even better school for her and her magic talents," my father announces and I am staring at him in disbelief.

Changing school? That isn't what I really desire because I have many friends here. However, a better school, which can teach me magic even better than here; that sounds very tempting.

Besides, if I don't change school, this school will mistreat me from now onwards. After all, I am the new troublemaker now.

"If you excuse us, we are going then," my mother says and grabs my other hand to lead me outside the room, "Oh, and for your information, our punishment for her looks like this: we are going to have a big pizza party and we will give her a new set of toys."

After that we leave in such a hurry that I haven't seen their reaction, but I don't need that anyway. All what I need now is to give my parents a big hug.
I still can't believe it. I've escaped my personal hell and I've even got revenge.

We are moving but not only because of this school incident, it's also because my father has found a better job in another town. He will work as a guard or something like this.

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