"Well, that's shit."

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(Y/N) (L/N): Your name, last name
(H/C): Hair color
(E/C): Eye color
(S/C): Skin color
"Hey": Someone speaking
"Hello there.": Demonic voice (like when Bill is very pissed and says something in that weird voice)
'Hahaha': Thinking.
[Oh god.]: Telepathic conversation
"Cipher,(Y/N)": Whispering

(Y/N)'s POV

I look at the two sides.. Roman and his peers on the right, with a woman in a dress with him, Ozpin along with Glynda, team RWBY and JNPR on the right.

"So.. All-seeing Eye, would you kindly come along with us..?" Roman said.

"Don't do it, (Y/N).." Ozpin said very careful of them.

"Give me one reason why I should, Roman." I pretty much demanded.

"With your powers, intelligence and with my leadership we can give you anything.." Dress woman said.

"Anything?" I started to smile sadistically, earning smirks from Roman's side and worried looks from the other side "Like what?"

"We can help you destroy Beacon, take over the world." Now my smile is bigger than ever.

I summon a Magnum .44, and point it at Ozpin's side "Well.. Tell me, Roman.." The teams from Beacon are visibly very tense by that.

"What kind of.. Activities do you do?" Roman now is smiling happily.

"Well, killing, robbing.. Principally dust!"

I smirk to Ozpin, and he seems worried "Well.." I point my gun to Roman, who is taken back by this "Why would I join criminals, when I kill them quite brutally..?" I fire a warning shot at Roman's bowler hat, who is pale as rice.

They turn back and run, while I look at Ozpin smiling cockly "You really thought I was going to join those criminals? That is hurtful.." I pretend to be hurt.

And suddenly, Boom, knocked out by Blake who was being a sneaky little asshole.

Timeskip (Y/N)'s POV

I was starting to wake up, feeling dizzy and pretty shit.

"Wait.." I notice the sheets of the bed are white,and mine is Blue!.. "THIS IS NOT MY BED!"

I feel someone hugging my waist, hands really close to my crotch.

"Oh god! I must have been kidnapped! Raped! Drugged!" I get out of bed and fall on my knees "Why?!"

I hear purring.. Shit. Please don't be Blake, please don't be Blak-

"Shit." Blake is now looking at me with wide eyes, she is clothed.. She got dressed after the rape, huh?

"Oh, hey you woke up." She says in a kind tone

I get my rape whistle out of my pockets and use it "RAPE! RAPE!" She quickly covers my mouth as I realise where I am situated.

Team Fucking RWBY's dorm. "Second shit." I see the others waking up as they look at me, emotions ranging from shocked to angry, fiery anger.

"RAPEEE!" I run towards the bathroom and lock myself in "M-my V-card.."

"COME OUT OF THE BATHROOM, (Y/N)!" Well.. Yang is pretty pissed off..

"No! I don't even know why I am here!" I start looking around for an exit, I can't create a portal while stressed or I might end up in an universe with hot demons.

"Come out!" I hear someone walking away from the door, and realise they're gonna kick it down.

I run to the corner of the bathroom as team RWBY comes in, glaring at my very eye.

Sick Boy (RWBY x Male Cipher Reader)Where stories live. Discover now